Currently browsing… Priority Waters

  • Fishing

    A trail for trout (and more)

    TU volunteers play key role in Maryland Fly Fishing Trail launch Pennsylvania has its “Scooped” trail of ice cream shops. There’s an “I-87 Brewery Trail” in the Catskills. Virginia touts its “Crooked Road” music trail to bluegrass enthusiasts. And now, with help of Trout Unlimited volunteers, Maryland has introduced the nation’s first statewide Fly Fishing…

  • Conservation

    Three things the Rubies taught me

    The TU community has spent countless hours fishing the Ruby marshes and has dedicated years to protecting the region from oil and gas development via the Ruby Mountains Protection Act.  

    “Do you need a reminder on how to cast?” Trout Unlimited’s Nevada Field Coordinator, Pam Harrington, asked Zoe and I as she handed us each a fly rod.   With smiles to match the cloudless October sky above the vast valley we fished in, we exclaimed “Yes!”  The weaving marshes of Nevada’s Ruby Lake National Wildlife…

  • From the field

    Future bright for premier wild trout fishery in the East

    Bipartisan Infrastructure Law helps TU and partners boost efforts in the Delaware River watershed Juggling three balls can be tricky. Try 19. That’s how many projects Jo-Anne Humphreys has had on her plate this year as a stream restoration specialist for Trout Unlimited’s Northeast Coldwater Habitat Program. “It’s been my busiest professional year ever,” said…

  • From the field

    The second coming of the Apache trout

    In a first, a salmonid is on track for delisting from the list of threatened and endangered species The promise of gold and opportunity has long been a driving force of settlement across the American West, much to the detriment of native populations and the iconic landscapes now in need of prolonged restoration and conservation…

  • From the field Dam Removal

    Freeing the Eel

    TU and partners sue to protect endangered salmon and steelhead as California dams await decommissioning The Eel River is the last, best hope for recovery of wild salmon and steelhead in California. But two old, fish-killing dams on the Eel block access to over 200 miles of high-quality spawning and nursery habitat in the headwaters…