Currently browsing… Priority Waters

  • From the field

    West Branch Susquehanna: A river in recovery

    WEST BRANCH SUSQUEHANNA RIVER, NORTH CAMBRIA, Pa. The angler stood in the shadows, peering intently at the water like a heron waiting for the moment. Then the cast. The line tightened. Allison Lutz smiled, subtly, as she netted the 12-inch-long wild brown trout. The smile was not so much about this individual fish. It was…

  • Restoration

    Trout Unlimited presents: Spread Creek, Wyoming

    A new TU film about reconnecting a river is a story of resilience, persistence, community, and thriving cutthroat trout. In 2010, Trout Unlimited removed an obsolete, crumbling irrigation diversion dam on Spread Creek, located just outside of Grand Teton National Park on Bridger-Teton National Forest lands. The partnership effort opened well over 50 miles of…

  • From the field

    Protected: Popular Southwest trout waters

    TU’s “Outstanding” work in the Land of Enchantment Thousands of miles of trout streams in New Mexico are susceptible to the historic drought plaguing the Southwest—and Trout Unlimited just helped protect 305 of them throughout northern New Mexico from degradation and mining. Last month, New Mexico’s Water Quality Control Commission unanimously approved two water quality…

  • From the field

    It’s a go on the Colorado

    Federal agency green lights a $30 million Colorado River reconnection project The Windy Gap Project on the Colorado River was built to provide water to the six rapidly growing communities of Boulder, Estes Park, Fort Collins, Greeley, Longmont, and Loveland. From the reservoir that pools behind the Windy Gap Dam, a six-mile pipeline diverts nearly…

  • From the field

    Roads to recovery in Wisconsin’s North Country

    Where roads intersect with chilly, clean trout water, you'll find TU's Chris Collier at work As a kid growing up in Ohio, Chris Collier looked forward to vacations of fishing, camping and boating in the wilds of Northern Michigan. These days, he’s creating new memories as a relatively recent transplant to the region. “Northern Wisconsin…