Currently browsing… public lands

  • Advocacy

    BLM proposes safeguards for Arctic fish and wildlife habitat

    The opportunity to protect a vast swath of public land does not come around often. This September, the Biden Administration announced a rulemaking to protect 13 million acres of public land from oil and gas leasing within the National Petroleum Reserve – Alaska (NPR-A). Northeast National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. Photo by Bob Wick (BLM) Protection of…

  • Public Lands

    Of Sticks and Strings

    An outdoor rack holding four archery bows

    Public Lands support the underlying spirit of traditional bowhunting and fly fishing    As trout season draws to a close in Michigan, the leaves change hues and, for many of us, our attention turns to antlered pursuits with the opening of archery deer season. Out West, hunter-anglers have been pursuing elk for almost a month…

  • The True Cast Climate Change Trout Talk

    The True Cast – Why the United States is the Envy of the Fishing World

    There’s always much to celebrate on Independence Day.

    A man's hands shown releasing a fish into the water

    There’s always much to celebrate on Independence Day. Sure, we’re living in divisive times and there are things that concern most of us for different reasons and in different ways in America these days. But the bottom line is that this collective “experiment in democracy” is still kicking (and then some) 247 years after a…

  • From the field

    Tongass turns to restoration

    Many visitors travel to Alaska to witness the classic scene of bears feeding on salmon. Those who travel to southeast Alaska’s Tongass National Forest often visit Margaret Creek, a remote salmon stream 22 miles north of Ketchikan. Although, this area is not the pristine wilderness most expect to experience. Margaret Creek is home to sockeye,…

  • Advocacy

    Six “lame duck” wishes for trout and salmon

    Congress’ lame-duck session offers opportunities for trout and salmon The dust has (mostly) settled following the 2022 midterm elections, and next month a new Congress will be sworn into office. For Trout Unlimited, next year’s 118th congressional session represents an opportunity to forge new relationships and drive our coldwater conservation priorities. But while your newspaper…