Currently browsing… public lands
TU launches #PublicLandFail contest on Instagram
September is a month tailor-made for hunters and anglers and there is no better place to spend it than on our public lands. You might not know it from social media, but a typical day enjoying public lands typically doesn’t include slaying giant trout and hero shots of big bucks and bulls. More likely, you…
‘Hunters and Anglers for CORE’ call for more access and habitat protections
The Gunnison River drains into Blue Mesa Reservoir Measuring 20 miles long with nearly 100 miles of shoreline, it’s difficult to ignore Blue Mesa Reservoir. Sitting on the western flank of Gunnison County, Colorado’s largest body of water is a pivotal cog of the Colorado River Storage Project and the centerpiece of the surrounding Curecanti…
Is this Heaven?
No, Morgan ... it's Idaho I had just finished leveling the camper when Morgan pulled up in his white sedan. It’s a process—leveling the camper—made a bit more complicated thanks to a slightly hyper mutt running around while I work the jacks, wondering why we can’t just go straight to the creek. “Who cares if…
Recovery through restoration
Now is the time to double down on our investment in the outdoors. This summer, the President and a bipartisan majority in Congress have coalesced around an old good idea. Namely, that we as a nation ought to be investing in our public lands. Our parks and forests and wilderness areas are a national endowment,…
Beer boost: Team effort improves habitat on Virginia’s Beaver Creek
By Mark Taylor A team approach is helping improve trout habitat on a popular fishing stream near Harrisonburg, Va. Trout Unlimited’s national staff partnered with the local TU chapter and a property owner to improve a section of Beaver Creek, a spring-fed stream that runs through private land but that is open to public fishing through a unique cooperative program. The…
Management matters
By Garrett Hanks Wolf Creek pass in the San Juan mountains of Colorado serves as the tipping point between the westward San Juan basin, home to the recently rediscovered San Juan cutthroat trout, and the Rio Grande cutthroat’s namesake river to the east. Unlike trout, bear, mule deer and other wildlife are unhindered by the ridgeline; their tracks freely cross the divide. Look north and you’ll notice the burn scar from the West Fork fire of 2013. Setting off south along the Continental Divide Trail, you quickly…
Renewable energy and planning for the future
Photo: U.S. Department of Energy Act today to support PLREDA By Corey Fisher While the political climate in Washington, D.C. may seem hyper-partisan, there are some issues that bring people together from across the political spectrum. Earlier this year Congress passed the John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act, a public lands package…