

  • Fishing

    10 Fly Fishing Resolutions to Make 2024 Your Best Year on the Water

    This list is designed to push you out of your comfort zone, to try new things and delve deeper into the lifestyle, culture and experience of fly fishing.

    By the time you read this, you may have already broken some of your New Year’s resolutions. But the ones to make 2024 your best year of fly fishing don’t require a trendy daily streak that never makes it out of January. The great thing about fly-fishing is that there are more layers to it…

  • Advocacy

    Renewed action in Oregon’s Owyhee Canyonlands

    Oregon’s Owyhee Canyonlands represent one of the largest conservation opportunities in the Lower 48. The Owyhee is an integral part of the sagebrush steppe landscape that supports more than 350 species of fish and wildlife, including genetically pure, interior Redband trout. But it’s not immune to our ever-changing world. Redband Trout. Photo by Matteo Moretti…

  • Public Lands Conservation

    The agony and the ecstasy

    Even when they’re beset by freezing rain or other forms of natural calamity, public lands bring peace, quiet, and miserable joy Public lands aren’t always perfect. The fish don’t always cooperate, and the mosquitoes do not care if you are trying to have a moment of peace. Consider it one of those Instagram vs. reality…

  • Get Outdoors Arizona business coalitions aims to protect public lands

    Public lands importance has risen more this year than ever before giving Americans an opportunity to find respite in nature

    Trout Unlimited recently partnered with the Arizona Wildlife Federation to create the Get Outdoors Arizona business coalition (GOAZ) to ensure their voices are heard during the policy-making process at both the state and federal level. GOAZ is a coalition of businesses and organizations across Arizona that recognize the important link between strong conservation policies and…

  • Community Conservation Featured TROUT Magazine Voices from the river

    The Land Ethic

    We can turn to Aldo Leopold for important lessons that are ideal for the times.

    Aldo Leopold was a philosopher, an ecologist and, very importantly, a writer. As though possessed of his talent for translating the universal, we quote him ad nauseam. And though the southwest still bears scars from his killing of wolves, cougars and other varmints, his eventual embrace of the predator as a force for ecological balance exemplifies a flexible and evolving mind that left a significant mark whenever it…

  • Advocacy Conservation

    NM streams debate: Court can balance recreation, conservation

    Should New Mexicans have the right to wade, float and swim in all the state’s waterways? And if that’s the case, what does that mean for private landowners?

    As first seen in the Albuquerque Journal. By: Chris Wood, president and CEO of Trout Unlimited and Harris Klein, New Mexico Trout Unlimited Council Chair Soon, the New Mexico Supreme Court will settle the controversy about what the state Constitution has to say about the extent of the public’s right to access streams throughout the…