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Science Guides Native Trout Restoration
CA’s science staff utilize low-tech processes for restoration in the remote native range of the golden trout There are several drivers of Trout Unlimited’s coldwater conservation work, but science is its beating heart. Many TU staff and volunteers — including the leading fish biologists, entomologists, hydrologists, ecologists, and mapping experts of our Science Program —…
Young adults get their hands dirty for fish in Oregon
A dispatch from Northeast Oregon’s Hand Crew Initiative and a summer spent restoring headwater floodplains Most mornings of our six-week field season high in the headwater meadows of Oregon’s North Fork John Day River began the same way. Carrying chainsaws, griphoists and other tools, our crew of TU staffers and Northwest Youth Corps members hiked…
A twin-engine airlift for native trout, steelhead and salmon
In Oregon, anglers call in a helicopter to upgrade fish habitat on the Clackamas Over the course of two days in late July, a powerful twin-engine helicopter flew multiple trips into the headwaters of Oregon’s Clackamas River to carefully place nearly 400 large logs along three miles of Berry and Cub Creeks. The two tributaries…
Trout Unlimited Presents: Flowing Free
Recovering native trout and restoring communities in Wisconsin On a seasonably mild early September day last year, Chris Collier stood on a bridge deep in Wisconsin’s Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest. As he watched the creek flow under his feet, Collier couldn’t help but smile. The newly installed bridge had replaced a culvert blocking fish passage, and…
Planning for the Klamath dams to come down
TU partners with NOAA to prioritize high-impact restoration projects in anticipation of salmon returning After decades of advocacy and work by a dedicated coalition of tribes, conservationists, anglers, and commercial fisherman, four dams on the lower Klamath River are finally coming down. Removing these barriers will improve water quality, greatly reduce the disease outbreaks killing…
Watch now: Little Stream, Big Magic
Film highlights how U.S. Fish & Wildlife and TU are teaming up for brook trout in West Virginia In the opening seconds of the new film “Little Stream, Big Magic,” Trout Unlimited’s Dustin Wichterman drops a profound and powerful tip. “If you want to know the secret to catching fish,” Wichterman starts before breaking into…
Alaska’s Indigenous communities at work in the Tongass
Southeast Alaska tribes have long cared for their lands. Now they’re at work restoring them. At nearly 17 million acres, Southeast Alaska’s Tongass National Forest is part of the world’s largest remaining intact temperate rain forest and produces around 30 percent of annual salmon catch in the western United States. The Tongass is home to…