

  • Trout Talk American Places

    All Anglers Out

    The flood in the nation’s first national park is making huge waves, the ripple effect feeling like a tsunami for surrounding places, including towns flush with fly shops.

    Park’s Closed The first call I make is to Henry’s Fork Anglers in Island Park, Idaho. Todd Lanning answers. He’s cheery as always. I ask him if anything has changed at the shop this week. He’s blunt as usual. “A ton of people are calling worried they can’t get here, says Lanning, the shop’s assistant…

  • Boats

    Dinner Time Conservation

    I understood what years of talking about water, rivers, fishing and agriculture have done to them. It’s made them advocates. It’s made them passionate.

    Most every home has a dinner table ritual. Ours is a mixed bag of content typically. With an eight- and ten-year-old often leading the discussion it’s our job as parents to listen and respond when appropriate. These are moments in my day I look forward to. Like a trip down a river, they’re filled with…

  • Boats

    The ultimate list for permit seekers

    Are you a procrastinator? I'll admit when it comes to permits, I tend to wait until the week before the deadline to start filling out my permit applications for the summer season. Thankfully, our friends over at Down River Equipment have you covered. They've compiled a comprehensive list of western rivers with links to not…

  • Boats Fishing

    A new river every year

    A new river is always humbling. To diversify the waters on your list will force even the most experienced to plan, prepare, pack and row differently. This is how you become a better rower and angler. A new river often forces you to meet new people who know the river. Often, it’s easy to get…

  • Boats

    A loo with a view

    Groovers. Latrines. Thrones. Loos. Wait a second, I just realized that this may not be the cleanest conversation that has hit the Thalweg blog thus far. If you’ve done multi-day river trips, then you’ve certainly had conversations about the topic. Maybe it’s been on your pre-planning checklist. There’s plenty of discussion out there on various…