Currently browsing… Rivers

  • Boats

    Back that trailer up

    It’s a common scenario. You pull up ready for a day on the water and the boat ramp is a circus. Gear, dogs, boats and people everywhere. You’ve done your due diligence and prepared your boat off to the side and are now ready to launch. I’ve had a couple of stressful moments trying to…

  • Boats

    The River Dog

    Dogs have their place on a boat, period. Pardon my preference to the canine companions we all love so much but it’s true. When you bring a dog on a boat, or in our case a barge sized raft loaded to the gills with camping equipment, you often spend your day receiving smiles and waves…

  • Boats

    The Thalweg: Of boats, rivers and obsessions

    One could say I have a healthy obsession with rivers. There’s not a day that goes by I don’t think about the sounds, sights and smells of a river. The love of being on a river is shown directly, not only in my photographs, but also in trip planning with family and friends. Hell, I’ve even convinced someone to let me make a career protecting rivers.

    Editor's note: Thalweg is a frequent blog about boats and the waters we float. It's composed by TU Senior Producer Josh Duplechian and Tim Romano, an award-winning photographer. Obsessions are born from experiences, and often fed by insatiable curiosity. Quiet nights spent studying while weekday lunch breaks leave many daydreaming. One could say I have…