Currently browsing… salmon

  • Conservation Featured

    House passes Moving Forward Act

    Bill will put people back to work and help America's trout and salmon in the process The “Moving Forward Act,” H.R. 2, passed the U.S. House today with a vote of 233 to 188. “Clean water and healthy waterways are critical elements of the Nation’s infrastructure system,” said Chris Wood, president and CEO of Trout Unlimited.…

  • Science Conservation Featured Featured Fishing

    Idaho bull trout tagged in three different locations in one year

    Bull trout range far and wide within connected river systems.

    By Jordan Messner Salmon and steelhead are famous for their amazing migrations, but trout and char can pull off some pretty impressive migrations as well.  In the fish business, the term "fluvial" refers to a unique life-history where fish migrate between larger river systems where they spend winters and smaller streams where they spawn. Sometimes these migrations…

  • Conservation Advocacy Featured Voices from the river

    Cycling to the source of the Eklutna

    As I dedicate more of my time with Trout Unlimited to help restore the Eklutna River, traditionally named Idlughetnu, I spend hours of the day with my mind 45 miles away from my Anchorage home within the fractured Eklutna River system. Though I now get to see more of the area and further my understanding of its history, there is no shortage of information I have yet to learn and areas of the watershed that…

  • Advocacy

    Roadless Rule Repeal in Alaska? Bad idea.

    Road in the Tongass

    Keeping track of efforts to save the “Roadless Rule” in Alaska hasn't been easy.   But if you one day hope to visit the Tongass National Forest, nicknamed "America's Salmon Forest," or if you value public lands — and the jobs, cultures and recreation they sustain — you’ll want to tune in. The Roadless Rule in Alaska’s national norests could be…

  • Conservation Featured steelhead

    We need you: Lower Snake plan won’t return our fish

    The new DEIS for the Snake River won't restore salmon

    [et_pb_section admin_label="section"][et_pb_row admin_label="row"][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text admin_label="Text"] Comment on the DEIS Alert your elected officials Since reading thousands of pages of a draft Environmental Impact Statement is likely not on your list of activities to do while self isolating, we're going just to cut to the chase: If you want salmon and steelhead to return to the…

  • Conservation Featured Science

    Snake River salmon: Let’s give credit where credit is due

    Last week Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID) turned up the volume on the issue of recovering Snake River salmon and steelhead.   Not that the issue wasn’t front and center for him before. He has been battling to find ways to bring back Idaho’s dwindling salmon and steelhead populations for years.  Rep. Mike Simpson, R-Idaho But now that a long-anticipated Draft Environmental Impact Statement has outlined a “business as usual” approach – indeed,…

  • Conservation Government Affairs steelhead

    Dear Governor Brown: Thank you.

    By Chrysten Lambert, Oregon Governor Kate Brown did a tough thing last week.   In a letter to Washington Governor Jay Inslee, Brown took a bold position on creating a better future for her constituents by committing to finding collaborative, science-based solutions for restoring the Snake River.  Read the full letterDownload As salmon and steelhead populations continue to dwindle, the Pacific Northwest faces a choice: Maintain…