Currently browsing… salmon

  • Advocacy Featured

    Soul of the Snake

    Those who care about the imperiled Snake River salmon and steelhead need to speak up on their behalf—now—said Nez Perce Vice Chairman Shannon Wheeler and U.S. Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID) this week during a special “Trout Week” event with Trout Unlimited CEO Chris Wood. “The Nez Perce are charged with honoring our ancient covenant that…

  • Conservation Featured

    Anglers, hunters and outdoor recreation companies to Biden administration: The dams must come out

    A dam on the lower Snake River in eastern Washington.

    The hunting and angling community is opening a new front in the campaign to restore Snake River salmon. This month, Trout Unlimited joined dozens of fish and wildlife groups and major outdoor recreation companies in calling on the Biden administration to develop a comprehensive solution to the collapse of salmon and steelhead populations that includes…

  • TU Business

    Umpqua Feather Merchants: a company with steelhead in its DNA

    "Removing the Lower Snake River dams is a move to make sure that steelhead and salmon can reach their native waters and continue to inspire generations to come. They are simply too important not to remove a giant thorn in their side."

    Umpqua's Russ Miller watches a wild steelhead put on a show. - Photo by Noah Thompson When a company is named after one of the most iconic steelhead rivers in the Pacific Northwest, it’s probably a safe bet that the folks working there have some connection to those magnificent fish. As evidenced by the above…

  • Trout Talk Featured

    Fishing the pegged bead

    It's the pegged bead — the target of much derision from the purist crowd, but an oft-used technique to catch big trout and char when salmon eggs are in the water

    A Dolly Varden caught on a pegged bead.

    A nice Dolly Varden that fell for a pegged bead. Chris Hunt photo. The ethics and the logic examined Fly fishing is a craft that appeals to the purist in all of us — the notion that fooling a fish by casting something that resembles that animal's natural food source without resorting to bait is…

  • Unique partnership spurs effort to restore Alaskan salmon stream

    Resurrection Creek, on the north end of the Kenai Peninsula near the community of Hope, still shows scars from placer mining that occurred more than 100 years ago

    By Austin Williams  Many anglers think of Alaska as pristine and untouched, and, while much of it is, it also has a long and rich history of resource development that contributes to the culture, character and camaraderie still present at the core of many Alaska communities.    More than a century ago, salmon canneries and fish…

  • Dam Removal

    Never been closer: new progress on the Klamath

    The Klamath River is one of the country’s most beleaguered watersheds. This summer, wildfire, extreme drought, and poor water quality — all exacerbated by climate change — are causing severe hardship for salmon and other native fishes, Tribal cultures and communities, agriculture and local economies. But on July 27, the Oregon Public Utilities Commission provided…