Faces of Restoration: Capitan Forestry in Oregon
Restoration work in Oregon couldn’t happen without Capitan Forestry. The Grande Ronde and North Fork of the John Day headwaters are critical habitat and special places to fish, and the collaboration between TU and Capitan is making it even better. Capitan Forestry historically specialized in upland forest restoration work, but after partnering with TU’s aquatic restoration efforts in the…
Breakthrough for the Eel
A new agreement promises to resolve decades of conflict over water use on California’s third largest watershed––and a legendary salmon and steelhead river California’s mighty Eel River once produced so many salmon and steelhead that it sustained a commercial canning operation. But for over a century, conflicts over water use have plagued the basin. The…
The fish are back!
Salmon and steelhead are roaring back above the recently removed Klamath dams. Now, what comes next? One of the truly magical moments of dam removal is when the fish start returning to their historic, reconnected habitat. It is a tangible moment in a process that can take decades to accomplish, and it confirms our hopes…
Striving to learn more about steelhead
Alaska TU chapters expand knowledge of steelhead on Kenai Peninsula There are many reasons steelhead, that coveted and often illusive quarry, have captured the imaginations of anglers for so long. Perhaps it’s their large size and the almost inconceivable power they exhibit as they bolt upstream, melting line from your reel in unimagined fury. Perhaps…
Tip – fly fishing for steelhead and salmon
Fly fishing for these migratory fish is thrilling thanks to their size, strength and beautiful environs. Watch as Tom Rosenbauer from Orvis explains the numerous kinds of steelhead and salmon and their migratory patterns, the gear needed, how to break down a river to locate these anadromous fish and so much more. Watch and learn…
In California, TU takes down another dam
Reconnecting prime spawning and rearing habitat for Central Coast steelhead If April is the cruelest month, October is the least cruel. The summer heat finally breaks, trees explode in color, big orange caddis bounce around and salmon and steelhead are pushing into rivers. October is also the end of the construction season for many Trout…
By the numbers on the Snake
Understanding the metrics used to evaluate and represent recovery of wild salmon and steelhead in the Snake River basin is an exercise worthy of a Ph.D. From annual abundance numbers, to understanding Endangered Species Act delisting criteria, to smolt-to-adult return ratios (SARs) to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) survival statistics, the numbers can…