Currently browsing… Steelhead
Our failure to remember affects salmon and steelhead conservation
'The best run in years' doesn't mean things are getting better overall We’ve all heard stories from our grandparents of unbelievable abundance and sizes in their fishing forays — the salmon so numerous it boggled the mind, and those Lahontan cutthroat trout so big you couldn't wrap your arms around them. Yet even with these anecdotes it’s still hard to internalize just how different our experience…
Tying the Repeat Offender
Trout spey fishing is all the rage these days, particularly in rivers that boast runs of anadromous fish that are swimming home and reacquainting themselves with fresh water and the food they used to eat before they took the salt to dine on the ocean's bounty. Below, Matt Callies with Loon Outdoors ties a great…
Desperately seeking steelhead in Alaska for science
After a long float plane flight back to Juneau, a hurried meal and a handful of Ibuprofen, I turned in for the night with one last thought – Tomorrow. Tomorrow we’ll find the fish and all of this will be worth it.
By Mark Hieronymus After the first couple of hard-earned, bushwhacked miles, about the time we had fished every inch of beautiful holding water in this wild, remote river, and just after we finished post-holing our way through a couple hundred yards of thigh-deep snow, I started to second-guess myself. Months of reviewing fisheries and habitat…
Reknitting connections
Why do we need wild salmon and steelhead to thrive in the Snake River? Because they make connections. Wild salmon connect the Sawtooth Mountains to the Pacific Ocean. Fish born in the rivers find their way to the sea, only to return at the end of their lives to spawn, die and decay—in the process…
TU’s Conservation Hydrology program steps in to monitor and measure California streams
One of the fundamental precepts of science is that, to understand a phenomenon or a system, it is necessary to observe change over time, the rate of change, and the influence of causal factors. In other words, to monitor and measure. Yet frequently resource managers are stretched too thin to do consistent monitoring of salmonid…
Show your support for Snake River salmon and steelhead
We have a small window of opportunity to encourage Congress to introduce legislation that will recover salmon and steelhead on the Snake River. But we need to show hunters and anglers care about bringing back our salmon and steelhead. Sign the petition today and Trout Unlimited will deliver it to delegates in the Pacific Northwest, urging them…
Faces of Restoration: Capitan Forestry in Oregon
TU works with some extremely talented characters while developing and completing projects in the field that help make fishing better. We are excited to bring you a series highlighting these Contractors. We hire equipment operators, truck drivers, laborers, material suppliers, engineers, technicians, and water testing labs. They are unique, talented, humble and some are downright wild, but TU’s Contractors are a…