Currently browsing… Steelhead

  • Summer steelhead in the Elwha rise from the ashes

    Rise of the Phoenix: an Elwha River summer steelhead (Photo: John McMillan) By John McMillan Should we invest in dam removal? It’s a question that many communities, businesses and policy-makers are facing these days — partly because of agin g infrastructure and financial liabilities, and partly because of legal obligations to protect water quality and…

  • What does ‘Yes on One’ really mean for Alaska’s salmon?

    By: Eric Booton The November 6th general election is rapidly approaching, and with every day that passes defenders of salmon habitat are working hard to distribute the truth to Alaskan voters. To keep it simple, we’d like to boil it down to the basics of what a “yes” or “no” vote means to our supportive…

  • Pinks and steelhead

    Pink salmon in its spawning phase. Fall is in the air and it’s time to get on the river. But first, let’s give our steelhead IQs another booster shot.. This week we have a guest writer and scientist, Colin Bailey, a PhD student studying fisheries science at Simon Fraser University under Jonathan Moore (Moore is…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Aniak Mousing

    Todd Moen at Catch Magazine is at it again. The mousing subculture among fly fishers is just as rabid as any steelhead conclave or dry-fly crew. Chasing big trout on mouse patterns has become nothing short of a religious endeavor for many. Video of Aniak Mousing *TRAILER* - Alaska Fly Fishing by Todd MoenAnd Moen,…

  • Fishing Fly tying

    Fly tying: Black Bear Green Butt

    It's tough for me to get really excited about steelhead flies this fall--Idaho's steelhead run as been dismal, so much so, that I haven't bothered to make the trip to Salmon to swing flies. The last thing the few fish that made it home need is another angler harassing them. Video of Black Bear Green…