Currently browsing… Steelhead

  • The Beaver Believers

    Photo by Lizzie Bridges By Megan Euclide I am walking down to the river just after sunrise. There is no wind. Early light reflects off the glassy surface, brighter than I expect at this hour. My waders are already strapped. As I approach the water’s edge, I wonder, will I catch anything today? This might…

  • The fate of stranded post-spawn adult steelhead

    Editor's note: The following first appeared on the Wild Steelheaders United blog. By John McMillan One significant way in which steelhead differ from salmon is that O. mykiss have the ability to survive spawning and try to make the journey again. This behavior is referred to as repeat spawning. Repeat spawner rates are highly variable…

  • In the East and Midwest, LWCF benefits those who love the outdoors

    Take action to #SaveLWCF By David Kinney and Taylor Ridderbusch In 2016, sportsmen and women in Maine celebrated the successful end of a seven-year project to preserve an 8,159-acre parcel known as Cold Stream Forest (above). It was a step that protected a 14-mile native brook trout stream and seven ponds. “Cold Stream is one…

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the river: The Holy Trinity

    Angler on California's Trinity River. By Sam Davidson Every year, when the perseid meteor shower flings sparks across the night skies, I start thinking about fishing the Trinity River. The “Holy Trinity” is one of the best salmon and steelhead streams in California, and perhaps the Lower 48. In August summer run steelhead are in…