Currently browsing… Steelhead
Small streams make a big difference
By Jack Williams We love our big iconic rivers: the Snake, the Rogue, the Umpqua, the Klamath, the Gunnison, the Madison, the Salmon, and the Henry’s Fork to name but a few. These waters invoke passion among anglers, river runners, and all those who appreciate the beauty of wild, clean rivers. But just like anything…
Voices from the river: Fishing the improbable
The Nacimiento River at peak winter flow, central California. By Sam Davidson A recent telephone call with the Steelhead Whisperer got me fired up. His brother had been car-camping around the central coast, and had seen people fishing in one of the streams that swerve out of the Santa Lucia range and through the oak…
New grant will help Van Duzen River coho, steelhead
Floodplain habitat connectivity improvement project site, Lawrence Creek TU’s North Coast Coho Project has been awarded a major grant to underwrite the first year of a three-year project to restore floodplain habitat connectivity in Lawrence Creek, a tributary to Yager Creek in the Van Duzen River drainage in Humboldt County, California. The Lawrence Creek Reconnection…
TU’s interns rock!
I have owned three suits in my life. The last one I bought was a classic seersucker to officiate at the outdoor wedding in Augustin Atlanta of my friends Neil and Mara (until that afternoon, I did not know one could sweat through a tie). The second was for my own wedding—a white linen suit,…
TU supports Oregon Wildlands Act
On July 26th, 2017, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources subcommittee on Public Lands, Forests and Mining held a hearing to receive testimony on a number of legislative proposals, including S.1548, the Oregon Wildlands Act, sponsored by Sens. Wyden and Merkley. Trout Unlimited's letter of support is included below. 170725_TU_Ltr_S.ENR-PLFM-SubHrg_S.1548.pdf July 25, 2017 Re: TU…
Wild: Salmon River brook trout
New water is always exciting, and, while I've fished Idaho's Salmon River a lot for steelhead over the years, I'd never poked into the river's extreme upper reaches at the base of Galena Summit, where the Sawtooths spread out to the northwest. My thought—and, frankly, my hope—was to get into some native west slope cutthroats…
Short casts: Greenbacks get a new home; Zinke tours Oregon monument; volunteer preaches clean water
Photo by Helen H. Richardson, The Denver Post Colorado’s state fish, the imperiled greenback cutthroat trout, got a boost this week when nearly 1,000 year-old fish were released into a small stream high along the Continental Divide above the famed Eisenhower Tunnel that cuts through the mountains that divide the state in two. The fish,…