Currently browsing… Steelhead

  • Long effort leads to mine protections in Maine

    By Jeff Reardon Last week, Maine’s Legislature overrode a veto by Governor Paul Lepage with an overwhelming bipartisan vote—35-0 in the Republican-controlled Senate; 122-21 in the Democratically-controlled House—to finally pass a bill that gives Maine protective rules for metallic mineral mining. That decision ended more than five years of work by Trout Unlimited and other…

  • Book Review: Upstream

    Few animals have been as totemic for humans as salmon. Entire cultures of indigenous peoples in North America evolved around this fish, its remarkable life history, and its powers as a food source. Whole reg ional economies have risen and foundered on the vicissitudes of the world’s seven salmon species—five of which are native to…

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the River: Steelhead

    Outgoing president of the Southcentral Alaska TU Chapter, Shannon Carroll, waiting for the tug of a steelhead. By Eric Booton I tossed and turned all night. The image of the chrome sides of that fish on it’s first jump forever etched on my brain and I fear, doomed to haunt me until I get redemption.…