Currently browsing… Steelhead
TU Comments – Columbia-Snake – EIS Scoping
170207_TU CRSO EIS Scoping Comments_Final.pdf Comments of Trout Unlimited submitted during the Scoping period for the NEPA review of the Federal Columbia River Power System. This comment period is just the start of a multi-year review process. TU looks forward to engaging throughout the process to ensure adequate review of system impacts on Pacific steelhead…
Video spotlight: Down and Across
Spey casting is becoming a much more mainstream angling method for big-river fishing, and not just for steelhead and salmon. I'm starting to see spey casters on the South Fork and the Henry's Fork of the Snake with regularity, chasing rainbows, cutthroats and browns in sweeping runs and throwing 100-foot casts with so little effort…
Voices from the River: Jon Baiocchi, California’s guide
John Baiocchi, on one of his home waters, the Truckee River. It is clear that his dad’s conservation legacy is a source of great pride and inspiration for Jon—and that he feels he has a duty to carry it forward. SD: Talk a little about when and where you started fishing. JB: My dad moved…
Five reasons sonar is super cool
(Above: Upstream from the future sonar site on the South Fork of the John Day) When trying to manage steelhead, one difficult task is getting an accurate picture of population size in any given year and over time. Traditional methods of estimating the number of adult steelhead that return to a river, such as counting…
Voices from the River: Family tradition
By Josh Duplechian This is hands down the coldest my feet have ever been. Honestly. Remind me, why am I here again? Yes, that’s right for the annual sufferfest tradition we call fishing for steelhead off of Lake Erie. Sliding out of the warmth of the local breakfast joint and into our snow-filled parking spot,…
Video spotlight: Return to Abundance
Years ago, in my former life as a newspaper journalist, I lived on California's North Coast in the shadows of coastal redwoods, shielded from the rest of the country by a near-constant marine layer and the understanding that, at any moment, one of the few roads into the region could be covered in mud and…
Short casts: Lake trout making a comeback, Lake Ontario is too clean, recovery for the Eel?
Lake trout are making a comeback in Lake Michigan. Lake trout, the oft-maligned deepwater char that took over Yellowstone Lake and literally ate the native cutthroat trout out of house and home over the last two decades, is actually making a comeback in some of the Great Lakes, where it's native. While it is, indeed,…