Currently browsing… Steelhead

  • Conservation

    Why you should act now to protect the Tongass

    The Tongass National Forest deserves roadless protections for so many reasons. Here are 10.

    Southeast Alaska’s Tongass National Forest is a special place for a multitude of reasons. At nearly 17 million acres, it is our country’s largest and most unique national forest. The Tongass’ snow-capped mountains, dense old-growth forests, misty islands, deep fjords, and soggy muskegs are all part of the largest intact temperate rainforest in the world.  …

  • Conservation

    TU California: Highlights from 2021

    In a year of exceptional drought, we're working to improve conditions for wild and native trout and salmon from the Smith to the San Gabriel In 2021, Trout Unlimited continued to deliver exceptional conservation results for salmon, steelhead and trout in California. In the face of one of the most severe droughts in state history,…

  • Snake River dams Fishing Fly tying steelhead

    Tying the Steelhead Coachman

    If you were to look in the box of a seasoned steelheader on the banks of the Snake, Grande Ronde or Clearwater chances are good you'll find.

    I can distinctly remember the first few flies I started fishing with. As I would imagine the case is with many people, that selection of a dozen flies was a 'who's who' of the classics. The Adams, Elk-hair Caddis, Muddler Minnow, Pheasant Tail, and Royal Wulff seem almost like names from scripture in the pantheon…