

  • Fishing

    Are my secret streams really my secret to keep?

    Anglers have a complicated relationship with secrecy.

    Anglers have a complicated relationship with secrecy. We hope a secret fly or lure, or bait will give us an edge. We get a tingly feeling when a friend entrusts us with knowledge of a secret spot.  But secrets also bring their own stresses and disappointments. There is nothing quite like the endorphin rush you…

  • Fishing Trout Talk

    Tip – Safe Wading

    Let’s move away from the gear for a bit and talk about the importance of wading safely. Getting from one side of the stream to another is often required to get you in the best spot to fish. Wading across a river can be tricky, but if you know what to look for and how…

  • Restoration

    A beautiful mess

    Loading streams with wood may make the fishing tougher, but it’s great for trout. “Why do they keep putting trees in our stream!?”  In the Northeast, where I work, this is a question we have been hearing a lot over the past couple of years, often with a sense of sadness or irritation in the…