

  • Boats Featured

    A boat trailer’s curse

    Some things aren’t meant to last a lifetime. It was a good run of nearly six years, but I think it’s time to part ways with an old friend. I’m not a superstitious person but this raft trailer is cursed. I’m sure of it, which is why I’ve chosen to cut it loose on the…

  • Boats

    Back that trailer up

    It’s a common scenario. You pull up ready for a day on the water and the boat ramp is a circus. Gear, dogs, boats and people everywhere. You’ve done your due diligence and prepared your boat off to the side and are now ready to launch. I’ve had a couple of stressful moments trying to…

  • Boats

    Learning from our mistakes

    The greatest part about making mistakes is learning something new. Some say if you’re not making mistakes then you’re not getting better. I couldn’t agree more. Recently, on a trip down to southern Utah with the family in tow, I learned that it’s no fun to disassemble an entire 14-foot raft and all of its…