Currently browsing… trout

  • Trout Talk

    The tug or the mug?

    Is there anything more beautiful than a brook trout? Chris Hunt photo. I love trout. I particularly love wild trout. And, frankly, I don't really care how big (or how little) they are. But this spring, I've been something of a fishing dilettante. Bonefish in the Bahamas. Carp in the desert. Oscars and peacock bass…

  • Trout Talk

    What species is the ‘fish of your lifetime?’

    Brook trout might be the most stunning of all, but are they the 'fish of a lifetime?' All photos by Chris Hunt. I’ve spent a lifetime chasing trout along the spine of the continent. Save for about 10 of my 52 years, where I’ve lived elsewhere due to circumstance or obligation, my views have always…

  • Trout Talk Trout Tips

    Trout as bait?

    I dusted off the old baitcaster, and rigged up some crankbaits, swimbaits, poppers and such, and am waiting patiently for ice-out. Where I live, pike love to eat trout, pretty much to a fault

    When you can count 55 anglers on the Eagle River (Colorado) as you drive a stretch of I-70 less than 10 miles long… on a weekday… in mid-March… and you consider what the situation might look like midsummer… it’s probably a good idea to be thinking about a “plan B.” In my case, plan B has…

  • Climate Change Featured Science

    COVID-19 closures helped clear the air but crowded fishing parking lots

    Limited driving and reduced coal consumption around the world reduced air pollution and illustrated that changes in behavior could lead to lasting results  By Jim Wilson I live in a land without trout streams, so fishing locally during the first two months of the coronavirus pandemic meant no trout fishing. COVID-19 related closures kept me off the…

  • Youth Community

    TU Green Team works to restore Rogue watershed in Mich.

    By Jamie Vaughan  While the COVID-19 pandemic has halted many programs this summer, Trout Unlimited staff in Michigan are pleased to continue the Green Team program for its sixth year, employing high school students from across the Rogue River watershed to learn about and take part in watershed restoration projects.   The Trout Unlimited Green Team was established in 2015 and grew out of…