
Wild salmon

  • Priority Waters

    Priority Waters

    Picture a native trout in a river, suspended in the flow. Or wild salmon flooding into a stream, following instincts handed down over too many generations to count. Think of a community blueprinting ideas, raising voices, getting hands dirty, to see that the next generation experiences the magic of those fish and those waters. These…

  • From the field Dam Removal

    Freeing the Eel

    TU and partners sue to protect endangered salmon and steelhead as California dams await decommissioning The Eel River is the last, best hope for recovery of wild salmon and steelhead in California. But two old, fish-killing dams on the Eel block access to over 200 miles of high-quality spawning and nursery habitat in the headwaters…

  • Barriers Conservation Featured

    Spawning salmon approve of Michigan fish passage improvement project

    While I knew increasing the size of a road crossing is always better for lowering flood flows, it is also incredibly beneficial to not just fish but also terrestrial species that use river corridors to migrate

    By Chad Kotke  I am a fairly new employee to Trout Unlimited but my heart has been with TU since my childhood.   My father wrote articles for the original Trout Magazine and he even still sports his original TU coffee mug, which he received as payment.   My most recent job prior to coming to TU…