

  • Fishing

    Making the most of winter’s return

    After taking a hiatus of several years, winter has returned to Virginia. The mercury has been dipping into the single digits here in the Blue Ridge Mountains, and daytime highs have barely peaked north of freezing for a couple weeks. “Just like the old days!” a friend exclaimed recently. Yep. Which means that instead of…

  • Fishing

    Trout Love Snow

    Person in wide river casting with snowy mountains behind

    The rest of us, not so much. Winter continues in the West, but that’s ok with us anglers.   There’s a common schtick these days in the grocery store, the post office, the coffee shop. “Can you believe this winter? When is spring going to get here? Man, I’m over this.”   It’s past mid-April now and…

  • Trout Talk

    Strong, scary, powerful

    Why you don’t want to wade onto icy river edges during the thaw The ice jam release you see here comes courtesy of our friends at the Roaring Fork Conservancy (http://www.roaringfork.org/) on the upper Roaring Fork River here in Colorado a couple weeks ago. Ice jam releases are incredibly dangerous for both boaters and anglers. You…

  • Boats

    The Thalweg: Already Dreaming of Summer

    Twelve images that instantly bring me back to boats, rivers, and of course fishing. I hope you agree.

    Or at the very least Spring… Here on the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains it seems as if Winter has not yet arrived. We’ve had precious little moisture and my last float was incredibly just a few weeks ago.  The dory is now finally wrapped for the Winter, and the rafts are put away…

  • Voices from the river Featured

    Is it spring yet?

    It’s cold here along the northern fringes of the Snake River Plain — snow blankets the ground, and the wind has a sinister bite, even though it’s not even Thanksgiving yet. As I’ve gotten older, this is the time of year I like the least — it’s cold, but it’s going to get colder. There’s…