Currently browsing… Wisconsin

  • Restoration

    Big projects on tap in Driftless Area

    Several major restoration projects are on tap for the coming field season in the Driftless Area, one of Trout Unlimited's Priority Waters. Here are several of the biggest efforts on tap  Nohr Chapter - Snow Bottom Stream Improvement Project - Wisconsin  The Nohr Chapter was awarded a Department of Natural Resources Surface Water Grant to…

  • Peter Jonas joins Driftless staff as partnership specialist

    As partnership specialist for Trout Unlimited’s Driftless Area Restoration Effort (TU-DARE), Peter Jonas helps anglers, farmers, resource professionals, environmentalists, educators, students, and government officials work together to heal watersheds.    Peter developed experience and expertise in recruiting partners, community building, public speaking and grant writing in his prior work as an ordained minister and as a…

  • Restoration

    From the prairie to the stream

    Wedde Creek wood project a natural fit for Wisconsin landowner Many anglers have heard the common refrain “Wood is good; foam is home.” It is sound advice when fly fishing, helping one to think like a trout and increasing the odds of catching them. Resource managers think about this saying too, and TU staff recently…

  • Restoration From the field

    Trout Unlimited Presents: Flowing Free

    Recovering native trout and restoring communities in Wisconsin On a seasonably mild early September day last year, Chris Collier stood on a bridge deep in Wisconsin’s Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest. As he watched the creek flow under his feet, Collier couldn’t help but smile. The newly installed bridge had replaced a culvert blocking fish passage, and…