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TU Green Team works to restore Rogue watershed in Mich.
By Jamie Vaughan While the COVID-19 pandemic has halted many programs this summer, Trout Unlimited staff in Michigan are pleased to continue the Green Team program for its sixth year, employing high school students from across the Rogue River watershed to learn about and take part in watershed restoration projects. The Trout Unlimited Green Team was established in 2015 and grew out of…
Finding a balance between teaching and fishing
By Mark Taylor Beck had just made a nice cast, his lure landing in a shady spot next to the James River’s bank, when he did something you don’t expect from a 15-year-old. He admitted he was clueless “When I go to a store and look at all the fishing lures, I have no idea…
Take a virtual field trip with Trout Unlimited
"Our field trips were mainly designed for our local students, with a mix of locations and lessons for students between 2nd and 5th grade. In this challenging time, we know all of us can appreciate some beautiful scenery around our Central Oregon streams and rivers, and the soothing sights and sounds that come from experiences in nature."
When COVID-19 shut down schools educators found other ways to help students experience the river About a decade ago Trout Unlimited launched a youth educational program in the Deschutes Basin of Oregon to build awareness of the importance of water and the health of rivers. The focus has been on key tributaries and sections of…
Mountains to the sea and back again
By Matt Green People sometimes have a hard time understanding how planting willows along a creek 800 river miles inland helps fish that live in the ocean. It is all about the spawning, and eventual rearing habitat, as a dozen Leadore High School students and two teachers learned while volunteering their efforts on a restoration…
Take a child fishing and make a difference
By Mike Enos The bobber began to twitch and then it submerged twice just before taking off in an arc across the glassy surface of the lake. Just as her line, seemingly possessed by a supernatural force, started to move, the quiet was pierced by my 8-year old granddaughter’s high-pitched squeal of excitement. Avery, whose attention had…
Grand Valley State U film crew highlights Green Team
Students in the Producing for Clients class at Grand Valley State University spend a semester working with nonprofit organizations to create a video that serves the needs of that organization. This fall, GVSU had a campus-wide focus on water-related issues so students teamed up with Trout Unlimited’s Rogue River Home Rivers Initiative to produce a video that could help enhance their work. They created…
TU plants trees to restore Michigan trout streams
Trout Unlimited has received funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative to plant nearly 17,000 trees along coldwater streams in Michigan. The project, “Reducing Runoff in the Rogue River Watershed,” aims to address stormwater runoff that pollutes, erodes and warms the important West Michigan trout fishery by…