July 26, 2017
Re: Trout Unlimited strongly opposes Energy and Water Section 108, a rider to weaken the Clean Water Act, and urges you to support the Beyer, Esty amendment to strip it from the bill.
Dear Representative:
Trout Unlimited strongly urges support for the Beyer, Esty Amendment to strike section 108 of Division D (Energy and Water) of the Appropriations Act (H.R.3219).
Section 108(a) of the bill reads as follows (italics added):
AUTHORIZATION.—The Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Secretary of the Army may withdraw the Waters of the United States rule without regard to any provision of statute or regulation that establishes a requirement for such withdrawal.
Simply put, the Section 108(a) rider disrespects the rule of law. Sec. 108(a) of the Energy and Water appropriations bill would allow the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers to disregard the rule of law as it carries out its plan to rescind and repeal the Clean Water Rule (Waters of the U.S. rule). The provision would authorize EPA and the Army Corps to repeal the Clean Water Rule by cutting corners –without following fundamental legal processes aimed at giving sportsmen and women a voice on this key element of the Clean Water Act, disregarding science-based input, and the economic benefits from protecting waterways.
American sportsmen and women support the Clean Water Rule. Without the Clean Water Rule, the streams and wetlands that sustain the sport fishing economy worth $50 Billion to the U.S. economy, supply public drinking water for one in three Americans, and protect our fishing and hunting way of life will remain at risk. There should be no place in the Energy and Water Appropriations Bill for such an ill-conceived, disenfranchising rider.
We greatly appreciate the leadership of Representatives Beyer and Esty in support of clean water, and we urge you to vote for their amendment to strike section 108.
Thank you for considering our views on this matter.
Steve Moyer, smoyer@tu.org 703-284-9406
Kate Miller, kmiller@tu.org 703-284-9428