Pebble to file permits. Time to re-engage!

After over a decade, Pebble mine backers say they plan to file permit applications tomorrow (Friday, Dec. 22) to construct a massive open-pit mine in Bristol Bay, Alaska – one of North America’s most treasured, awe-inspiring fisheries.

A region full of quiet, clear, winding rivers; massive trout and millions of wild salmon would be industrialized to make way for roads, a new ocean port, power lines, a giant earthen dam and a massive tailings pond in an area known for frequent seismic activity. Pebble claims they can mine in Bristol Bay safely, but science and history say otherwise – Every. Single. Time.

We never want to see Pebble Mine move forward in Bristol Bay. Luckily, we’re joined by a formidable army in our pursuit to protect what we love – a region and rivers that provide jobs, once-in-a-lifetime fishing trips, and native cultures that have subsisted off the land since time immemorial. There are a record number of Alaskans and over a million – and counting – Americans who have stood up to protect Bristol Bay. Now’s the time to re-engage in the effort.

What are we going to do about it?

1. Be informed. TU’s science team is currently pouring over Pebble’s permit applications and will ensure that no rock is unturned with respect to addressing threats to Bristol Bay’s waterways contained within. And, due to the size, type and location of the proposal, we are certain there will be many hackles to raise. Rest assured, we’ll raise them. Read on as we discover more about Pebble’s mining plans at

2. Be mobilized. We’ll continue to provide avenues to speak up and show up throughout the permitting process. will be a good place to look, as well as the Save Bristol Bay facebook page

3. Celebrate our victories and know our power. There may very well be an operating mine in Bristol Bay right now were it not for you. Against all odds, we’ve defeated this proposal for a decade now. Awe-inspiring regions like Bristol Bay are worth the effort.

4. Demand justice. We’ll continue to ask our decision makers at all levels – the state of Alaska, members of Congress, the Environmental Protection Agency and others – to stand up for American jobs and protect Bristol Bay. Check for easy opportunities to do so.

5. Repeat. This process will be long and repetitive. We’ll need to you speak up time and again and please know that when you do, your voice makes a difference. We would not ask for your help unless it is truly important. If you start to get tired, that’s OK – just go fishing. Then come back and take action again. Together, we’ll continue to protect the clean, fish-filled waters of Bristol Bay for generations to come.

Thanks for sticking with us as we enter the next phase of this fight.

— The TU Alaska Program

By Chris Hunt.