In September, Trout Unlimited participated in the signing of the Mississippi River Operation Pollination Partnership. The Partnership is a collaborative of groups, individuals and communities working with Rotary’s Environmental Sustainability Rotarian Action Group (ESRAG) and Rotary International to create,…
In September, Trout Unlimited participated in the signing of the Mississippi River Operation Pollination Partnership.
The Partnership is a collaborative of groups, individuals and communities working with Rotary’s Environmental Sustainability Rotarian Action Group (ESRAG) and Rotary International to create, enhance and expand habitat for pollinators along the Mississippi River flyway.
Incorporating habitat for pollinators into trout stream projects is not a new practice for TU’s Driftless Area Restoration Project. Since 2017, TU has included non-game habitats and prairie or pollinator plantings as part of our projects to increase water quality and multi-species benefits to our work. We have also distributed seed to partners for their use in riparian areas and streamside properties.
The signing ceremony in La Crosse, Wisc., featured Rotary International, Mississippi River Parkway Commission, National Heritage Areas, Monarch Joint Venture, and the City of La Crosse.