September is Suicide Prevention Month, and Veteran suicide is a serious issue for our nation’s military family. Through TU’s Veterans Service Partnership, many TU volunteers work with veterans. As VA Secretary Wilkie points out in this message Secretary Wilkie Message, there are many things the public can do to help prevent veteran suicide that don’t require special training. Through a new program developed by Psych Armor and the VA called S.A.V.E., TU volunteers can learn skills to help with veteran suicide prevention. In addition to the S.A.V.E. training, VSP Online Volunteer Training Resources offers an array of Psych Armor that may be taken by TU VSP volunteers that are quite useful in working with our nation’s vets. In addition, I would suggest placing the following link to the Veterans Crisis Hotline on your smartphone. If you have questoins regarding this information or about the TU VSP, please contact National VSP Coordinator Dave Kumlien at
Veterans Suicide Prevention Training