Search results for “great lakes”

House of Representatives Strikes Double Blow Against Clean Water Protections

Izaak Walton League National Wildlife Federation Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership Trout Unlimited FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE House of Representatives Strikes Double Blow Against Clean Water Protections Washington, DC The U.S. House of Representatives today struck a double blow against efforts to restore Clean Water Act protections for streams that supply drinking water to 117 million Americans

Sportsmen Criticize Senate Measure Weakening Clean Water Act

Contact: Jan Goldman-Carter, NWF, (202) 797-6894, Steve Kline, TRCP, (202) 639-8727, Scott Kovarovics, IWLA, (301) 548-0150 x223, Steve Moyer, TU, (703) 284-9406, Scott Yaich, DU, (901) 758-3874, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Sportsmen Criticize Senate Measure Weakening Clean Water Act Barrasso-Heller amendment would undermine Army Corps authority to enforce Clean Water Act,

Trout Unlimited lauds House passage of Farm Bill

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 29, 2014 Contact: Russ Schnitzer: (307) 438-1365 Steve Moyer: (703) 284-9406 Trout Unlimited applauds House passage of Farm Bill Conference Report WASHINGTON, D.C. Trout Unlimited congratulated the House today for voting to reauthorize the Farm Bill and helping to keep trout and salmon resource conservation efforts in place across the nation.

Connecting science and conservation

Published in Science, Community, Conservation, From the President

At a recent gathering of our scientists and other staff at Trout Unlimited, I recounted how one of my happiest days was when I was hired as a fisheries biologist—for three days—by the Bureau of Land Management. My vision of being a fisheries biologist was informed by the John Steinbeck novel, Cannery Row. Even more

Rogue River Home Rivers Initiative

Goals Located near the second largest metropolitan area in Michigan, the Rogue River is an extremely important trout fishery in southern Michigan. The lower portion of the river is fabled for its excellent steelhead runs. The eastern tributaries host significant brook and brown trout populations. The river is an important economic engine — based on

The Krug Family Forest: A tribute to tributaries and small tracts

Published in Community

By Nick Sanchez and Jamie Vaughan  Urban sprawl, development and agricultural pressures have deforested much of southern Michigan. In rapidly developing areas of southern Michigan, forest and farmland loss continues to this day. Luckily, family forest owners, like the Krug Family, are taking steps to protect their forests and the important waters that flow through

U.S. House of Rep. Interior and Environment Appropriations Bill Cuts Conservation Funding and Blocks Natural Resources Initiatives

July 13, 2011FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Steve Moyer, Vice President of Government Affairs, (703) 284-9406, U.S. House of Rep. Interior and Environment Appropriations Bill Cuts Conservation Funding and Blocks Natural Resources Initiatives Bill attacks Clean Water Act, public land management, watershed restoration, and conservation funding. Arlington, Va. Trout Unlimited (TU) strongly opposes the appropriations bill

House of Rep. Continuing Resolution Spending Bill Would Discontinue Cooperative Watershed Conservation Efforts Nationwide

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Erin Mooney, TU National Press Secretary (571) 331-7970 House of Rep. Continuing Resolution Spending Bill Would Discontinue Cooperative Watershed Conservation Efforts Nationwide Bill attacks Clean Water Act, public land management, watershed restoration and conservation funding. Arlington, Va.– Trout Unlimited (TU) strongly opposes HR 1, a bill to fund the federal government

Whittlesey Creek National Wildlife Refuge gives hope to coaster brook trout

Published in Public Lands Month, Featured

For two decades, Whittlesey Creek National Wildlife Refuge has been the site of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service efforts to restore self-sustaining populations of coaster book trout. Trout Unlimited has been a partner in the work. The efforts haven’t been successful, but have increased knowledge about this unique form of brook trout and what could be needed to restore the fish to Lake Superior tributaries.

It's a new and better day for fisheries conservation on the farm

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 27, 2014 Contact: Russ Schnitzer: (970) 309-0285 (West) Jeff Hastings: (608) 606-4158 (Midwest) Gary Berti: (304) 704-2731 (East) Steve Moyer: (703) 284-9406 (National) Its a new and better day for fisheries conservation on the farm WASHINGTON, D.C.Trout Unlimited saluted USDA Secretary Vilsacks announcement in Michigan today that the Natural Resources Conservation

The beauty of close

Published in TROUT Magazine

Sheer granite cliffs rose out of Lost Lake where I pulled my first small brook trout out of the water, an elk hair caddis in its mouth. Scarlet Indian paintbrush, yellow glacier lilies and purple elephant head padded the banks of the next lake like a cheery grandmother’s doormat. White and blue columbines clung to

TU Report: Wisconsin Sets Example for Habitat Stewardship

4/30/1999 TU Report: Wisconsin Sets Example for Habitat Stewardship TU Report: Wisconsin Sets Example for Habitat Stewardship National Group Warns Against Threats To State’s Conservation Programs Contact: 4/30/1999 — — Madison, Wisconsin – April 28, 1999 – Wisconsin’s trout management programs set an example of habitat stewardship that other states should emulate, according to a

Better fishing in the Driftless Area

Published in Fishing, TROUT Magazine, Voices from the river

“We make fishing better” is one of our mottos here at Trout Unlimited. Our efforts do more than simply make fishing better, of course. But everything we do, at some level, translates to better fishing. That sits pretty well with our 300,000 members and supporters because most of them are, in fact, anglers and appreciate