Search results for “alaska”

The Arctic grayling: all you need to know

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Arctic grayling have evolved many strategies to meet the needs of life in harsh and uncertain environments. Some grayling migrate. They take advantage of different streams for spawning, growing up, summer feeding, and overwintering. Individual fish can range widely, moving tens of miles on a seasonal or annual basis between spawning, rearing, and sheltering habitats.

Pebble Response to EPA is Predictable, Empty and Overheated

April 30, 2014 Contact: Tim Bristol, TU Alaska Director, (907) 321-3291 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Pebble response to EPA predictable, desperate attempt to save mine Tired message of government overreach doesnt hold water in face of science, public sentiment BRISTOL BAY, Alaska: The Pebble Limited Partnerships response to the initiation of the Clean Water Act section

House Bill from Outside Representative threatens Bristol Bay salmon, culture, jobs

Screen Shot 2015-12-10 at 12.28.39 PM.png December 10, 2015 Contact: Alannah Hurley, Executive Director, United Tribes of Bristol Bay (907) 843-1633 Melanie Brown, Member&fisherman, Commercial Fishermen for Bristol Bay (907) 244-1169 Nelli Williams, Alaska Program Director, Trout Unlimited (907) 230-7121 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: House Bill from Outside Representative threatens Bristol Bay salmon, culture, jobs Proposed


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Nelli Williams, Trout Unlimited (907) 230-7121,  Judge Halts Pursuit of Bristol Bay Protections ANCHORAGE, AK – Today, Judge Sharon Gleason told Trout Unlimited, Bristol Bay organizations and other groups their lawsuits against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for arbitrarily withdrawing safeguards for the region’s fishery, called the Bristol Bay Proposed Determination, are

Sportsmen urge Congress to listen to facts, not PLP-funded propaganda

Nov. 4, 2015 Contact: Nelli Williams, Director of Trout Unlimiteds Alaska Program, (907) 230-7121 or FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sportsmen urge Congress to listen to facts, not Pebble Limited Partnership-funded propaganda campaign The House Science, Space and Technology committee hearing’s review of the EPA process distracts from the mining companys failure to file for permits

Voices from the River: Deadbeat dams

Published in Voices from the river

Photo by Eric Booton By Eric Booton In the summer of 2015, I spent a week with my family on the Olympic Peninsula. We hiked in Olympic National Park, fished for humpies in the salt, and took a field trip to check out the recently liberated Elwha River whose dam had been re moved and

Entrenched in the salmon cycle

“We are products of our environment.”  There is much truth to this adage, and I know I am a product of my Alaskan fly-fishing environment and exposure.    Six years ago when I arrived in Alaska, I was still a mere “padawan” with the fly rod. With time, I found more seasoned anglers to fish with, picked up some tips at the


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jenny Weis, Trout Unlimited (952) 210-7095 or jweis [at] tu [dot] org HUNDREDS OF OUTDOOR SPORTING BUSINESSES, GROUPS CALL ON PRESIDENT TRUMP TO DENY IMPORTANT PERMIT FOR PROPOSED PEBBLE MINE WASHINGTON, D.C. – More than 250 national outdoor sporting businesses and organizations, representing millions of hunters, anglers and outdoor enthusiasts who

TU Calls on Pebble to Drop Suit, Publish its Mining Plan

May 22, 2014 Contact: Tim Bristol, Director, TU Alaska Program (907) 321-3291 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Trout Unlimited Calls on Pebble to Drop Lawsuit and Publish its Long Overdue Mine Plan ANCHORAGEToday, Trout Unlimited challenged the Pebble Limited Partnership to drop its lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency and encouraged the Canadian mining company to come

Copper River Lodge

Unlike other tundra rivers in Alaska offering large trout, the Copper River runs through a scenic river valley lined with groves of cottonwood, spruce, and birch. Aside from helping make it one of the most gorgeous rivers in the state, these trees offer the fly fishermen refuge from the relentless northern winds. Probably one of

Alaska’s Bearclaw Lodge

Alaska’s Bearclaw Lodge is where epic Bristol Bay fishing, breathtaking scenery, and a family-run lodge that feels like home, combine to offer the perfect Alaska fishing vacation. Come experience some of Bristol Bay’s most diverse fisheries at your home base on Lake Aleknagik, located near the southern edge of Wood-Tikchik State Park, a short drive

The Tongass National Forest should stay roadless

Published in Conservation, Featured

Fishing and tourism provide 26 percent of the jobs in Southeast Alaska. Logging? One percent. Chris Hunt photo. Few decisions have been as short-sighted as last year’s repeal of the Roadless Rule on Southeast Alaska’s Tongass National Forest, which helps explain why 96 percent of all public comment opposed the repeal.  When large-scale logging first

Trout Unlimited Thanks Departing Deputy Interior Secretary Tommy Beaudreau 

Contacts:  Arlington, VA – The U.S. Department of Interior announced today that Deputy Secretary Tommy Beaudreau is stepping down at the end of the month after a combined 10 years at the agency, including the last two as deputy secretary, where he oversaw initiatives including protecting over 13 million acres of public land in Alaska,

Native Odyssey: Touchdown in Anchorage

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Editor’s note: Building off the success of last year’s Native Odyssey campaign, Trout Unlimited is sending four of our brightest college club leaders in the TU Costa 5 Rivers Program to explore the home of the world’s largest runs of wild salmon: Alaska. Starting July 5, these students will explore the Kenai Peninsula, Bristol Bay

Order wild sockeye salmon, help protect Bristol Bay

September 27, 2017 Contact:Nelli Williams, Alaska Program Director, Trout Unlimited (907) 230-7121 or nwilliams@tu.orgMatt Luck, Founder, Pride of Bristol Bay (208) 720-4226 or FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Order wild sockeye salmon, help protect Bristol Bay Innovative partnership between Pride of Bristol Bay and Trout Unlimited helps safeguard Bristol Bay, Alaska’s rivers and fisheries. ANCHORAGE, AK

Bristol Bay’s EPIC fishing season

Published in Uncategorized

Bristol Bay, Alaska is in the middle of an EPIC fishing season. The kind of season where I really can’t keep on top of the amazing pictures coming in from our lodge partners. Photo courtesy of TU Gold Business Member, Bear Trail Lodge. King Salmon, Alaska The kind of season where news crews are lining