Search results for “coaster brook trout waters”

TU volunteers, staffers speak up for Chesapeake Bay funding

Published in Uncategorized

Raymond Phares (left) of Circleville, W.Va., traveled to Washington DC in late March to meet with Congressional offices in support of funding for the Chesapeake Bay Program. He was accompanied by Trout Unlimited’s Dustin Wichterman, who oversee’s TU’s restoration efforts in the up per Potomac watershed. By Mark Taylor Trout Unlimited staffers and volunteers converged

Video spotlight: Catch and Cook Fresh Fish

Published in Video spotlight

When I was a kid, the idea of catch-and-release fishing was simply foolish. Why put a perfectly good dinner back in the river? And, of course, I and my brothers and cousins were encouraged by our grandfathers to harvest our limit—fresh trout fried up on the grill back at camp was part of the experience.

Little water and big hopes

Published in Fishing, Conservation, Featured

Shortly before departing for the nearly 20-hour drive south from my home in Idaho my contact in New Mexico casually mentioned on a call how the snowpack was only 16 percent compared to the average and to keep my fishing expectations low

Trojan males and the genetics of non-native control

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A non-native brook trout in full spawning colors, Yellowstone National Park. Photo by Chris Hunt. by Helen Neville Many of us have struggled over the years with various efforts to eradicate non-native trout and restore native trout to their historical range. Often we work years either removing non-native trout by hand (electrofishing) or using chemicals

Everything you wanted to know: Yellowstone cutthroat trout

Published in Fishing

Yellowstone cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii bouvieri) Species summary and Ssatus: The Yellowstone cutthroat trout occupies waters in Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Nevada.  Yellowstone cutthroat trout tend to be golden brown with relatively large, dark spots concentrated towards the tail. The fine-spotted cutthroat trout is another form of Yellowstone cutthroat trout, and as the name suggests,

Zero Limit Adventures, the New York ‘Dream Team’

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What do you call a team of great and passionate guides who love to do nothing but fly fish? In western New York, we call them Zero Limit Adventures. Zero Limit Adventures is a uniquely staffed guide service with expertise in various skills as well as diverse interests, backgrounds and personalities. ZLA provides guests with

Short casts: Losing a friend, geeking out, hope for Gilas

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Pat Oglesby Several years ago, my friend Pat Oglesby, a long-time TU volunteer and a leader within the Grand Valley Anglers chapter of Trout Unlimited in Grand Junction, asked me to come and speak to the chapter’s ann ual banquet that takes place in conjunction with its annual fly tying expo. I’d known Pat and


Restoring our damaged habitat and making fishing better Trout Unlimited works all across the country restoring degraded trout and salmon waters and making them viable and fishable once again. We partner and collaborate with landowners, state and federal agencies, local communities and our corps of volunteer anglers to return once-healthy trout streams to their former

Conservation funding

Federal resource agencies — such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Forest Service, and others— provide essential services to protect, maintain and responsibly manage our public lands, waters, and fish and wildlife resources. Strong funding is essential to ensure that these agencies have staff and resources to manage parks, maintain trails and restore damaged habitat to

Lawmakers Urge Action to Protect the Chetco River for Second Time This Year

Published in Conservation

Trout Unlimited applauds Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley, and Representatives Peter DeFazio and Jared Huffman for their leadership and commitment to protecting Oregon’s fisheries and public lands from activities that could harm salmon, trout, and steelhead populations and world famous angling opportunities. Last week, these lawmakers sent a letter to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke


The CCF Board meets with Trout Unlimited’s conservation leaders once a year, where the staff make proposals for project support, and the Board decides how to distribute that year’s fund. The following are featured Coldwater Conservation Fund projects. Download CCF impact reports at the bottom of this page. Wild Trout Designations, Pennsylvania CCF grants in

Sportsmen and women support lawsuit to overturn Waters of the United States rule

Amicus brief filed in federal court case brought by Southern Environmental Law Center For immediate release 7/17/2020 Contacts: Steve Moyer Vice President for Government Affairs Trout Unlimited 571-274-0593 Shauna Stephenson National Communications Director Trout Unlimited 307-757-7861 (July 17, 2020) WASHINGTON, D.C.—Representatives of thousands of sportsmen and women across the country filed a friend

Saving salters and saving New England

Published in From the President

Brook trout in the northeast have taken a beating over the decades. Scientists estimate that brook trout—indicators of clean water and healthy lands—have lost more than half of their historic habitat… The brook trout of southeastern MA are particularly vulnerable, and worthy of protection.

Volunteer Leaders, Scientists, Advocates and Partners Honored at Trout Unlimited National Gathering in Spokane

Contacts:  Spokane, WA—At CX3, Trout Unlimited’s annual national gathering held September 27 – October 1, a cast of remarkable leaders and volunteers were honored for their contributions to protecting and restoring the nation’s coldwater resources and salmon and trout populations. This year, the Ray Mortensen Award, the organization’s highest honor, was awarded to Fran Smith