Search results for “colorado river basin”

Buy Your F3T Tickets & Benefit Local TU Chapters

Published in Uncategorized

Tune in to the awesome 2021 Fly Fishing Film Tour (F3T) virtual event and you can also support the local TU chapter restoring the rivers you love to fish! When you buy your F3T ticket through one of the links below, the F3T will donate $2 directly to that local chapter, helping them do more

TU praises Upper CO River protections in Windy Gap project permit

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 30, 2016 Contact: Mely Whiting, (720) 470-4758 Drew Peternell, (303) 204-3057 TU praises river protections in Windy Gap project permit Says 401 permit conditions put threatened river and fishery on road to recovery (Denver)The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment this week released its final 401 water quality

TU Report Details Impact of Overuse of Water on Colorado's Rivers & Streams

TU Report Details Impact of Overuse of Water on Colorado’s Rivers & Streams TU Report Details Impact of Overuse of Water on Colorados Rivers & Streams Contact: Melinda Kassen Director, Colorado Water Project 303/440-2937 1/7/2002 — Denver, CO — A new report says that Colorados rivers and streams are beginning to show clear signs of

Klamath Dam Agreement Unveiled

Karuk Tribe Klamath Tribes of Oregon Yurok Tribe American Rivers Trout Unlimited California Trout Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermens Associations Salmon River Restoration Council Northern California Council of the Federation of Fly Fishers National Center for Conservation Science and Policy Sustainable Natural Heritage Institute FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information: Craig Tucker, Spokesman Karuk Tribe

Voices from the River: Water is life

Published in Voices from the river

By Don Duff An effort to protect fragile aquatic wetland ecosystems and the wildlife that uses them has been under way in northeast Nevada for 15 years. The Southern Nevada Water Authority is proposing a 300-mile pipeline, 7-feet in diameter, to move pumped groundwater from the Snake Valley near Baker on the Nevada/Utah border and

Colorado Trout Unlimited Officially Goes On Record In Opposition To Referendum A

7/17/2003 Colorado Trout Unlimited Officially Goes On Record In Opposition To Referendum A Colorado Trout Unlimited Officially Goes On Record In Opposition To Referendum A Contact: David Nickum Executive Director Colorado Trout Unlimited 303-440-2937 x12 7/17/2003 — Boulder, Co — One of Colorados leading conservation organizations has voted to oppose the States efforts to win

Trout Unlimited Idaho Project Receives Forest Service Award

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kim Trotter, (208) 552-0891, x. 712 Bart Gamett, (208) Trout Unlimited Idaho Project Receives Forest Service Award Trout Unlimiteds Idaho Water Project (IWP) recently received the 2009 national Rise to the Future Partner Award from the USDA Forest Service, which recognized IWPs leadership in restoring fish populations in the

It’s time to step up for the Snake

Published in Snake River

The Snake River Basin should be the largest wild salmon and steelhead stronghold in the continental United States, with its cold, clean water fed by high-mountain snow and its thousands of miles of high-quality habitat—much of it in protected public lands.

Shoshone Agreement Does Not Protect Headwater Fisheries

09/03/2007 Shoshone Agreement Does Not Protect Headwater Fisheries FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information contact: Mely Whiting, (720) 470-4758 SHOSHONE AGREEMENT DOES NOT PROTECT HEADWATER FISHERIES Boulder, CO While an agreement announced yesterday by major operators on the Colorado River benefits irrigators, rafters and some populations of endangered fish, it falls short of protecting gold

Snake River named ‘most endangered’ by American Rivers

Published in Conservation, Featured

Photo by Eric Crawford. TU has worked for years to restore salmon and steelhead, and a dam-removal proposal is in the works American Rivers today named the Snake River America’s No. 1 Most Endangered River of 2021, pointing to perilously low returns of Snake River salmon and steelhead, and the urgent need for lawmakers and

American Rivers names Delaware its River of the Year

Published in Conservation

By Rob Shane  For those in the Mid-Atlantic, or for anyone who’s been trout fishing long enough to have a bucket list of rivers, you’re certainly familiar with the Delaware River. Aside from being the source of drinking water for more than 15 million people in two of the largest cities in the United States (New York and Philadelphia), it

What role does climate change play in the debate over removing the four Lower Snake dams?

The data show conclusively that the Pacific Northwest’s climate is warming. The Snake River basin will experience hotter temperatures in the summer, which will make water conditions in the lower Snake River more problematic than they are at present.  High water temperatures in the Snake under current conditions can take a devastating toll. In 2015,

St. Peter’s Fly Shop

About us Premier fly shop and guide service of northern Colorado. Serving the Fort Collins community since 1992. What we do Fly shop and guide service Where we do it We guide in a variety of places. Northern Colorado: Cache la Poudre River, Big Thompson River, Rocky Mountain National Park. Wyoming: Upper North Platte River

US Senate: TU Letter to Senate Energy Committee re Multiple Public Lands Bills

Published in Uncategorized

title=”application/pdf” />170330_SENR-Hrg-TU-letter-multi-bills-FINAL.pdf On Thursday, March 30th, the US Senate Committee on Environment and Natural considered and advanced several bills of interest to Trout Unlimited and our members. TU submitted the attached comments outlining our comments on the following bills: TU Supports: S.513, a bill to designate the Frank and Jeanne Moore Wild Steelhead Special Management

Tribasin Fish Passage and Watershed Restoration Project Begins in Upper Greys River Watershed

Wednesday, August 12, 2020 Contacts: Leslie Steen, NW Wyoming Program Director, Trout Unlimited, 307-699-1022, Patrick Barry, Forest Fisheries Biologist, Bridger-Teton National Forest, 307-886-5330,  Kelly Owens, Forest Hydrologist, Bridger-Teton National Forest, 307-739-5598, Tribasin Fish Passage and Watershed Restoration Project Begins in Upper Greys River Watershed. Trout Unlimited (TU) and the Bridger-Teton National Forest (BTNF) announced today

TU applauds Klamath River legislation

May 21, 2014 Contact: Steve Moyer, Vice President for Government Affairs, (571) 274-0593Sam Davidson, Communications Director, California/Nevada, (831) 235-2542 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited Applauds New Klamath River Legislation Senators Wyden, Merkley, Feinstein and Boxer show leadership, act to resolve long-standing water issues in the third most productive salmon river on the West Coast BERKELEY,