Search results for “deerfield river”

Voices from the River: Water is life

Published in Voices from the river

By Don Duff An effort to protect fragile aquatic wetland ecosystems and the wildlife that uses them has been under way in northeast Nevada for 15 years. The Southern Nevada Water Authority is proposing a 300-mile pipeline, 7-feet in diameter, to move pumped groundwater from the Snake Valley near Baker on the Nevada/Utah border and

Voices from the River: Teachers and preachers

Published in Voices from the river

By Toner Mitchell The four-day gathering was a professional development course for secondary school teachers, its mission to explore the nexus of fly fishing, religion and philosophy, and how the re sulting ferment might motivate resource conservation in anglers (and students). We discussed several texts, some Thoreau, a PhD thesis arguing that fly fishing naturally

The long game: TU and the Yuba River

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Getting bent on the lower Yuba River. The Yuba River is one of California’s many coldwater fishery jewels. In its upper forks the Yuba is a fine freestone trout stream; in the reach between Englebright Dam, where the river flows into the Central Valley, and its confluence with the Feather River near Marysville, the Yuba

Voices from the River: The swimmin’ hole

Published in Voices from the river

A fat and happy Snake River fine-spotted cutthroat trout. By Chris Hunt Two summers ago, as I walked along a small alpine creek in the Caribou Range here in eastern Idaho, I spied what may rightly be called the sexiest stretch of trout water I’ve ever seen. The stream—by itself a modest flow—pushes down a

Voices from the River: Extreme behavior

Published in Voices from the river

The iconic Sundial Bridge, spanning the Lower Sacramento River in downtown Redding, California before and during the Carr Fire. By Sam Davidson California is burning. There are 17 wildfires charring the Golden State, at present. The biggest and gnarliest (of 2018, anyway) is the Carr Fire, which has torched more than 100,000 acres, mostly of

Voices from the River: Browned out

Published in Voices from the river

By Mark Taylor The river was brown. Coffee-with-heavy-cream brown. It’s-been-raining-for-days brown. You-don’t-have-a-chance-in-hell brown. “Top off the raft and get the stuff down to the shore while I go drop off the truck,” I told my fishing partner for the day, Brett Prettyman. “I’ll probably be back before you’re done.” So, if conditions were more appropriate

Voices from the River: Yellowstone promise

Published in Voices from the river

A native Yellowstone cutthroat trout. A backcountry treasure. Photo by Chris Hunt. By Chris Hunt Who knows how many times I’d driven over the little creek as it flows southeast through an arched culvert toward its eventual confluence with the mighty Yellowstone River. A hundred? At least a hundred. And every time, I made a

Voices from the River: A picture not taken

Published in Voices from the river

The sun sets on an epic day in the Uinta Mountains of northeastern Utah. Brett Prettyman/Trout Unlimited. By Brett Prettyman Years ago, when I was starting out as an outdoors newspaper reporter, the editor looked at my request for a photographer to go on a 40-mile backpacking trip for six days and laughed. “Take a

Voices from the river: Derek’s water

Published in Voices from the river

Upper Klamath Lake and one of the many fine spring creeks in this area. By Sam Davidson My first fishing experience on a true spring creek was in the upper Klamath River basin in southern Oregon. I knew little ab out such waters in those days. I took a detour while on a long road

Voices from the River: The familiarity of the Kenai

Published in Voices from the river

By Jenny Weis The familiar routine of hooking up the boat to the hitch took only a couple minutes. By the time I was done, my friend Sam had met me at Eric’s house and I was pleased, but not surprised, to see him holding a box of donuts. We had a couple-hour drive ahead

Voices from the River: A salty fix

Published in Voices from the river

Platter-shaped spadefish are incredibly strong, and great in fish tacos! By Mark Taylor During an interview a number of years ago with a very successful tournament bass angler, the man leaned in and asked in a hushed tone, “Can we go off the record?” “I guess,” I replied, expecting him to give me some inside

Voices from the River: Water wolves

Published in Voices from the river

By Eric Booton I hear the dark call of a common loo n behind me as I cast and can’t help but recall the family trips in Wisconsin and Minnesota where the song of a loon was as important to my grandma Betty as catching a fish is to me. Just one loon or one

Voices from the River: The elusive No. 5

Published in Voices from the river

Photos of the Naknek River by Mark Hieronymous By Jenny Weis Working in communications for Trout Unlimited, I encounter more than a fair share of “grip ‘n grin” fish photos. Given this, I like to think of myself as somewhat of an expert on the components for what makes the perfect photo. In my humble

Voices from the River: The plastic hatch

Published in Voices from the river

By Mark Taylor Trout anglers love a good hatch, when popping bugs create a feeding frenzy. I was on Virginia’s J ackson River recently when a different kind of hatch came off with a fury. I heard it before I saw it: Happy shouts and the echoing booms of plastic kayaks hitting river rocks. Soon,

Voices from the River: This one’s for Sam

Published in Voices from the river

By Eric Booten Excuse the grip and grin, but this fish and smile come with a story. I enjoyed talking fish with Sam, my fishing buddy and coworker. Several hours of the work week were routinely lost to these discussions, but when you work to protect fish and their habitat, sometimes you just take some

Voices from the river: Being relevant

Published in Voices from the river

Some of the “new generation of conservationists,” Bay Area Youth Fly Fishing event, May 19, 2018. By Sam Davidson I recently spent a day fishing for trout—a rewarding mix of small wild fish and 10- to 12-inch stockers—on an obscure tributary to the upper Salinas River that flows out of the Santa Lucia range on

Voices from the River: Beavers as tools

Published in Voices from the river

By Toner Mitchell I recently visited a tailwater stream known for its capacity to produce lots of brown trout, some of them quite large. The reservoir feeding this stream is operated exclusively for downstream agricultural users, the result of which is that the fishery i s also renowned for its poor conditions in winter, when

Voices from the River: Fifteen minutes

Published in Voices from the river

By Eric Booton I start by asking the kids “what kind of rod is this?” While holding up a basic Shakespeare 8-weight combo rod on display for them to analyze. The answers vary, some are wrong, some are accurate, and some are obscure. The best answer remains “it’s an old timey rod!” I am self-taught

Voices from the river: Be careful out there

Published in Voices from the river

The author, wade fishing the Trinity River. By Sam Davidson A guy I didn’t know die d recently while wade-fishing the lower American River near Sacramento. One moment he was there, the next he wasn’t. Impossible to say, exactly, what happened, since no one witnessed the incident. Apparently, he was a newbie to wading, likely

Voices from the River: The Bratwurst Theory

Published in Voices from the river

By Kirk Deeter I just finished floating the Deschutes River in Oregon with my friends from Korkers. The Deschutes is easily one of my favorite rivers to fish (and least favorite rivers to wade) in the world and there’s nobody better to fish that river with (and remain mostly vertical) than the crew from Korkers.