Search results for “bear river watershed”

Trout Unlimited’s “Colorado Gold” shines conservation spotlight on Gold Medal trout waters

Growing coalition unites in effort to protect, restore and expand state’s Gold Medal fisheries FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 23, 2021 Contact: Scott Willoughby, Trout Unlimited, 970-390-3676, DENVER, CO – Trout Unlimited (TU) today announced the launch of “Colorado Gold,” a new conservation campaign designed to change the way the angling community thinks about Colorado’s Gold Medal

The Case of the Shrinking Chinook

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Photo by Arne Johnson By: Mark Hieronymus The mighty Chinook salmon, the largest of the Pacific salmon species and the state fish of Alaska, is shrinking, according to a recent article in Fish and Fisheries (2018). Fisheries researchers from Alaska and Washington analyzed several databases spanning more than 40 years and looked at over 1.5

Voices from the River:

Published in Voices from the river

Heidi Lewis, far left, took her friends Heather Hodson, Jen Ripple and Geri Meyer (left to right) on a Utah Cutthroat Slam adventure this summer. Courtesy photo. By Heidi Lewis When Heather Hodson calls I know things are about to get good. I don’t see her often, but when I do it typically means we

Native Odyssey: Touchdown in Anchorage

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Editor’s note: Building off the success of last year’s Native Odyssey campaign, Trout Unlimited is sending four of our brightest college club leaders in the TU Costa 5 Rivers Program to explore the home of the world’s largest runs of wild salmon: Alaska. Starting July 5, these students will explore the Kenai Peninsula, Bristol Bay

Washington governor announces planning effort to “replace services of lower Snake River dams”

Trout Unlimited welcomes announcement but calls for swift action FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Chris Wood, president and CEO, Trout Unlimited, ARLINGTON, Va.—Washington Gov. Jay Inslee committed on Thursday to work jointly with U.S. Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) on a “robust, rigorous and fast” process to identify potential replacement infrastructure for the energy, irrigation, and

The gift of fishing

By Charlie Perry Trips to waters filled with trout were the norm of my childhood. Summer adventures in Yellowstone. Weekends spent in the High Uinta Mountains of Utah. Holidays fishing the Green River in a deep red rock canyon below Flaming Gorge Reservoir. These were special places for my family. I have many cherished memories

'Turning the Corner' on Yellowstone Lake

May 6, 2014 Contact: Jack Williams, (541) 261-3960, Dave Hallac, (307) 344-2203, Chris Hunt, TU national director of communications, (208) 406-9106, For Immediate Release: Yellowstone National Park Turning the Corner on Native Cutthroat Trout Recovery National Park Service, Trout Unlimited report significant progress in recovery of iconic native species (Yellowstone)The National Park

Traditions: Fishing the High Uintas

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By Brett Prettyman Among the many thoughts running through my mind while traipsing though the wilds is one that does more than the others to clear out the chaos and clutter of every day life. “Am I the first human to stand in this place?” The fact I am even pondering the possibility means I

Costa wins award for women’s sunglasses

Published in Community, TU Business, TU Costa 5 Rivers, Youth

When our friends do well, we at TU do well, too. Our friends at Costa Sunglasses were awarded the Best Eyewear designation at this year International Convention of Allied Sportfishing Trades (ICAST) show in Orlando for the company’s new WaterWoman line of polarized sunglasses. From Costa’s press release on the big win: “Designed for the

Video spotlight: How to save the day on a trout river

Published in Video spotlight

Below, in the Orvis video narrated by Dave Jensen, is a great story. And it’s a familiar one. Almost exactly two years ago, I was fishing what the locals had described to me as a great little grayling stream in eastern Alaska. This deep, slow channel that connected a network of ponds and lakes just

Voices from the River: The pink mouse

Published in Voices from the river

By Eric Booton There is a general rule of thumb that many of us live by: the bigger the challenge to access the fishing hole, the better the fishing is likely to be. With that in mind, a 30-minute flight on an Alaskan “bush” plane, plus a 45 minute drive in a beater truck on

Guide. Stop Pebble. Repeat.

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The 2020 Save Bristol Bay Guide Ambassador program connected local guides to resources to stand up against Pebble. This year, we are calling on guides to help us advance permanent protections for the fish, people, and communities of southwest Alaska.

30 Great Places: Clearwater

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Region: Northern RockiesActivity: FishingSpecies: Cutthroat trout Where: The Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests encompass more than four million acres in north central Idaho. Three renowned white water rivers – the Selway, Lochsa and Salmon – course through the mountainous terrain. Many of the region’s streams hold healthy populations of westslope cutthroat. Why: Excellent top-water angling for

In Congress, welcome steps toward mining reform and abandoned mine cleanup

Heinrich and Grijalva legislation sets a course for balancing mineral production on public lands with conservation of rivers and lands Contacts:  Chris Wood, President and CEO, Trout Unlimited, Steve Moyer, Vice President of Government Affairs, Trout Unlimited,  Corey Fisher, Public Lands Policy Director, Trout Unlimited, ARLINGTON, Va.—Mining legislation introduced today by U.S.

Voices from the River: Keeping it in the family

Published in Voices from the river

By Travis Banta It is safe to say we are a fishing family. Grandpa Lee crossed the Madison River to his favorite fishing hole in an old 1940’s era Ford pickup. Grandma Margaret hated that bridge because it was essentially a couple of 2×12 boards and she didn’t like guiding the tires of that old Ford

Hope for Idaho’s Salmon

“I have concluded that I am going to stay alive long enough to see salmon return to healthy populations in Idaho.” Those words by U.S. Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) at a conference at the Andrus Center last week may do more to project the recovery of the imperiled Snake River salmon and steelhead than multiple

Chasing the Wyoming Cutt-Slam and keeping the wolves away

Published in Fishing

Looking back, I saw Sweet, who had coyly picked a honey hole on a backwater around a small island I didn’t even notice, who was looking upriver at me and grinning ear to ear. At that moment, I remember thinking he resembled a child showing off his hard work.