Search results for “bristol bay”

Thinking about the future of fly fishing

Published in Youth, Conservation

Editor’s Note: Each year, participants at Trout Unlimited regional Youth Fly Fishing and Conservation summer camps are invited to enter the TU Teen Camp Essay Contest. The prompt for 2019 was “Why is conservation important to fly fishing?” We received many wonderful entries and are pleased to share the top five essays. To find a

Finding an old friend on a new hunt

Published in Trout Talk

I visited Adak in search of caribou. My husband, three friends and I were on a mission to fill our freezers. I’ve spent a lifetime in Alaska, but this was my first visit to the Aleutians. I was thrilled to finally have a reason this beautiful, far-off corner of my home state.  

More changes for monuments?

Published in Uncategorized

Interior Secretary Zinke recommends additional changes for national monuments Report outlines actions that would have far-reaching consequences for hunters and anglers WASHINGTON D.C. — In a final report released to the public today, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke recommended to President Trump that additional national monuments – those public lands managed to protect objects

Public lands, past and future

Published in From the President

September is Public Lands Month, and few places are more important to trout and salmon than our public lands. Half of all the blue-ribbon trout streams in the West, for example, flow across public lands. Our public lands are often the last and best strongholds for many species of native trout and char. My exposure

Clean Water Rule Update: January 2020

Published in Conservation, Government Affairs, Science

Final rule announced; what it says and what comes next. Final Rule Announced.  On January 23rd, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) announced a final “Waters of the U.S. Rule.”  This rule replaces a 2015 Rule, which clarified the extent of jurisdictions for clean water act protections.  This new

Voices from the River: Call me an angler

Published in Voices from the river

By Jenny Weis “My boyfriend didn’t teach me that!” was the way I indecorously retorted when a guide complimented my cast, saying, “Dang, your boyfriend must have been giving you some tips.” He meant no harm. But I’d known how to cast long before I met my boyfriend. My friend Nanci taught me years prior,

Native: Arctic char? Or Dolly Varden?

Published in Uncategorized

By Dave Atcheson “I cast out and try to be patient, waiting for my fly to sink. On my first cast I’m too patient and snag. On the next I begin my retrieve earlier, an excruciatingly slow retrieve, just a twitch of the line here and there to keep my fly undulating above the weed

Canadian Mines Threaten Southeast Alaska Salmon, Tourism and Tribal Resources

logosforTransboundaryDCfly-in.jpg March 26, 2014 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts:Brian Lynch, Executive Director, Petersburg Vessel Owners Association,, 907-772-9323 Dale Kelley, Executive Director, Alaska Trollers Association,, 907-723-8765 Raymond Paddock III, Environmental Coordinator, Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska,, 907-209-8535 Canadian Mines Threaten Southeast Alaska Salmon, Tourism and Tribal Resources Fishing and

College anglers form company to clean up trash

Published in TU Costa 5 Rivers

“Take your club as seriously as possible and beyond fly fishing. If Tyler and I hadn’t devoted the time we did to building our club we wouldn’t have had some of the best experiences imaginable in college. It goes beyond building a fly-fishing club.”

Helping trout and helping America

Published in From the President
A small trout stream in Yellowstone National Park.

Trout Unlimited works with whoever is at the controls of the White House, agency, House, Senate, or committee leadership. Demonstrating the point: our tireless advocacy efforts helped persuade the last administration to deny a key permit for the Pebble Mine in Alaska and to sign the Great American Outdoors Act into law

Millions of stream miles risk losing protection

EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers aim to cut protections for millions of stream miles across the United States  Final “repeal” rule leaves important drinking water sources and habitat at dire risk of being unprotected from pollution, and opens the door for the expected “replacement” rule later this year which will be even worse for streams

Working with the companies who make us better anglers

Published in Uncategorized, From the President

As the official holder of the Best Job in America, it was a treat to have the runner-up, Ben Bulis, come visit the intergalactic headquarters of Trout Unlimited this week. Ben has led AFFTA (the American Fly-Fishing Tackle Association) for nearly eight years. Through Ben’s leadership, AFFTA has grown from about 250 member companies to

The Pecos is fishing great … for now

Published in Conservation, Fishing, Travel, TROUT Magazine

The lifeblood of the Village of Pecos, the Pecos River flows through public and private lands in a narrow canyon flanked by in aspen, Gambel oak, and mixed conifer. The Pecos boasts a fun salmon fly hatch in early summer, and I love how spooky the fish are in autumn, when elk bugles echo, the banks blaze with yellow cottonwoods, and the water resembles the air above, cold, clear and

EPA final rule unravels Clean Water Act protections 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  01/23/2020  Contact:  Steve Moyer,, (571) 274-0593 Vice President of Government Affairs  Shauna Stephenson, (307) 757-7861 National Communications Director  **For high resolution state-specific maps or images, please contact Shauna Stephenson**  The Environmental Protection Agency announced today it is finalizing a rule that will drop protections for millions of miles of streams and millions of acres of wetlands, putting watersheds at