Search results for “alaska”

Voices from the River: Ivy Van

Published in Voices from the river

If you’re on social media, I’m confident you have noticed that #vanlife has swept the nation. Powered by social media, modern day van life is inspired by the romantic excursions of previous generations who loaded up VW Westfalias and Transporters to chase down their favorite musical acts, post up at the river in a trout

Pebble to file permits. Time to re-engage!

Published in Uncategorized

After over a decade, Pebble mine backers say they plan to file permit applications tomorrow (Friday, Dec. 22) to construct a massive open-pit mine in Bristol Bay, Alaska – one of North America’s most treasured, awe-inspiring fisheries. A region full of quiet, clear, winding rivers; massive trout and millions of wild salmon would be industrialized

Voices from the River: Flossing

Published in Voices from the river

by Eric Booton The midnight sun came and went. We are so accustomed to the unending daylight that we neglected to pack headlamps. We were already run out a fishing hole earlier in the evening by black bear and passing anglers were warning us of a momma brown bear with cubs. It wasn’t the most

Bristol Bay leaders grateful for Sen. Murkowski’s directive to follow science in Pebble mine permit review

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT:  Ralph Andersen, Bristol Bay Native Association President & CEO, (907) 842-5257Norm Van Vactor, Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation, (907) 843-2508Nanci Morris Lyon, Bear Trail Lodge, (907) 469-0622Lindsay Layland, United Tribes of Bristol Bay Deputy Director, (907) 843-2401 ANCHORAGE, AK  — Today, Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), the Chair of the Interior, Environment

House T&I Committee Undermines Clean Water Act

July 16, 2014 Contact: Steve Moyer, TU Vice President of Government Affairs (703) 284-9406 Tim Bristol, Director, TU Alaska Program (907) 321-3291 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee approves bills that undermine the Clean Water Act Majority of committee members turn their backs on American sportsmen and women by approving bills that

Pebble application shows project posing catastrophic impacts to Bristol Bay salmon

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 5, 2018 Contact: Nelli Williams, Trout Unlimited (907) 230-7121 Pebble application shows project posing catastrophic impacts to Bristol Bay salmon Incomplete mining proposal an attempt to gain foot in the door within Bristol Bay ANCHORAGE, AK – This morning, the Army Corps of Engineers released Public Notice stating they’ve received Pebble’s

To Wait on Pale Ice

Published in Fishing

Day 5 The Adventure Series is a collection of outdoor experiences, highlighting stories about people with a shared appreciation for wildlife and wild places. These stories reach across cultural and political boundaries, connecting all walks of life and geographies. In pursuit of broadening our collective understanding, TU is partnering with the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Arctic

The elusive Arctic char of the Kenai Peninsula

Published in Fishing

My heart raced as we proceeded down the almost 15-mile Swanson River Road. We kept expecting to be turned around any minute. Knowing there were so many lake options with confirmed populations of char, I had a lot of faith one would offer me the opportunity to bring an Arctic char to hand. The problem was, the bumpy pothole strewn dirt road was, as far as I knew, the only artery to the lake systems. If this fire got out of control, as the 2019 fire did, I could be shut out.

EPA Report: Mining Could Devastate Bristol Bay Salmon Fishery

Jan. 15, 2014 Contact: Chris Wood, President and CEO, (703) 284-9403 Tim Bristol, Director of TU Alaska, (907) 321-3291 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: EPA Report: Pebble Mine will Damage $1.5 Billion Bristol Bay Fishery in Spectacular Alaska Landscape Trout Unlimited and Sportsmen Across U.S. Call for Immediate Action ANCHORAGE, AlaskaThe Environmental Protection Agencys final Bristol Bay

Warriors for wild places

Published in Uncategorized

Photo by Kirk Deeter at Kendjam Lodge, Brazil. From the Amazon Jungle to Bristol Bay in Alaska, native communities share a common belief that translates into any language: The world’s most pristine, irreplaceable natural resources should be protected for future generations against outsiders who threaten to destroy them in the name of profit. You have

Some of the wildest fishing destinations on earth

Published in Trout Talk, Featured
angler fly fishing Stikine River

An angler tangles with a Dolly Varden on Alaska’s Stikine River. Chris Hunt photo. How can I adequately capture the essence of fishing the world’s wildest fisheries in a few sentences when only a book might do them justice? I can’t. But it’s fun trying, so what the heck… Tasmania, Australia Overlooked, under-appreciated and wide open, the