Search results for “alaska”

Fishing the pegged bead

Published in Trout Talk, Featured
A Dolly Varden caught on a pegged bead.

It’s the pegged bead — the target of much derision from the purist crowd, but an oft-used technique to catch big trout and char when salmon eggs are in the water

Voices from the River: Season kickoff

Published in Voices from the river

By Eric Booton A handful of my fellow Southcentral Alaska trout bums manage to fish year-round on one of the larger river systems that remains mostly open. Frigid waters flow between ice shelves, their invitingly shallow depths a recipe for cold toes and frozen boots. The sun creeps above the ridgetops providing a brief amount

Voices from the River: Cabin No. 3

Published in Voices from the river

“Thank you No. 3. See you next time,” I whispered to the warm cabin as I closed the door of one of my favorite public-use cabins in Southcentral Alaska and turned to soak in the view from the deck with my wife and two dogs. It’s my trusty routine to thank the public resource that

Cooking: Waste not, want not

Published in Uncategorized

The author preparing to use the whole salmon, rather than just the filets. By Dave Atcheson While I’m a “catch and release” fisherman when it comes to rainbow trout, like most Alaskans I look forward to filling my freezer with salmon every summer. Over the years I’ve become pretty adept at filleting. I’m not necessarily

Chugach Electric members, cast your vote: support Eklutna River restoration

Published in Advocacy

Chugach Electric Association is wrapping up their 2020 Board of Director Elections and CEA members have a say! If you are a CEA customer, you have the opportunity to vote and help select the two new board members who will lead the member-owned utility. Board members will play an important role in the utilities’ decision making that will help write the next chapter in the Eklutna River’s story since Anchorage utilities are obligated to mitigate, or make up for, impacts of the Eklutna Hydropower Projects to fish and wildlife.

Bristol Bay Fly Fishing and Guide Academy postponed

A few months into the global pandemic, I know that I’m not the only one disappointed by postponed or cancelled plans.   While our team pivoted our organizing and communications work so we can still advocate for coldwater fisheries in Alaska, much of our summer programming is cancelled to protect the small villages and towns in the communities we work from COVID-19. Perhaps our most disappointing but necessary cancellation is the Bristol Bay Fly Fishing and Guide

Alaskan Angling Adventures

Alaskan Angling Adventures is the fulfillment of my lifelong passion. My earliest memories revolve around fishing. Like many of my guests over the years I came to Alaska on vacation. I never left. After experiencing the awesome majesty of the Kenai Peninsula I knew I had found my home. I have guided thousands of guests

Video spotlight: Arctic Char in Baffin Bay

Published in Video spotlight

The Arctic char of Nunavut, the northern-most Canadian territory that lies just west of Greenland across Baffin Bay, are amazing fish. They cruise into rivers and streams running into the Arctic Ocean on tidal flows starting in the summer, and they are aggressive eaters. In the fall, just like their char cousins, the Dolly Varden,

Video spotlight: Life of a Guide

Published in Video spotlight

There was a time when I thought being a fishing guide would be about the coolest existence a guy could experience. That all changed one rainy Father’s Day weekend some 15 years ago when renowned guide Rod Patch floated me and my wife down the Cardiac Canyon reach of the Henry’s Fork. From bouncing the

TU testifies in Congress in support of salmon strongholds bill

Published in Uncategorized

Trout Unlimited has many on staff and among its volunteer-members who are expert in policy issues related to trout and salmon conservation. Matt Clifford, attorney for TU’s California Water Project, is one. Clifford testified today at a hearing held by the Water, Oceans and Wildlife Subcommittee of the House Natural resources Committee, in support of

To Wait on Pale Ice

Published in Fishing

Day 1 The Adventure Series is a collection of outdoor experiences, highlighting stories about people with a shared appreciation for wildlife and wild places. These stories reach across cultural and political boundaries, connecting all walks of life and geographies. In pursuit of broadening our collective understanding, TU is partnering with the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Arctic

From Bristol Bay to the Bronx

Published in Community, Conservation, Fishing

Washington, D.C., is a long way from Dillingham, Alaska, but that’s where Triston Chaney spent his 19th birthday. Triston was among a group of commercial fishermen, lodge owners and outfitters who came back to the nation’s capital to discourage the EPA from permitting the proposed Pebble Mine in southwest Alaska. Over birthday cake at our

Eat a salmon for Bristol Bay

Published in Conservation, TU Business

Bristol Bay, Alaska … the center of the earth for wild sockeye salmon. It’s also focus of our battle against the proposed Pebble Mine, which would create North America’s largest open-pit gold and copper mine next to some of the most important salmon rivers left on earth. Bristol Bay continues to produce one of the