Search results for “bristol bay”

Voices from the River: Dollies save the day

Published in Voices from the river

By Eric Booton I’m not a mechanic. In fact I’m pretty much the exact opposite. So when the check engine light on our beloved camper van named Ivy popped on and the performance of the engine took a turn for the worse, I wasn’t thrilled. As the vehicle that gets me to the river, launches

Trout Unlimited Applauds House Amendment to Block Approval of Genetically Modified Salmon

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT: Erin Mooney, National Press Secretary, 703-284-9408 Keith Curley, Director of Government Affairs, 703-284-9428 Trout Unlimited Applauds House Amendment to Block Approval of Genetically Modified Salmon Arlington, Va. Trout Unlimited (TU) welcomed the passage of an amendment to the House Agriculture Appropriations bill that would bar the U.S. Food and Drug Administration

EPA Report Shows Importance of Headwaters, Wetlands

Oct. 10, 2013 Contact: Steve Moyer, (703) 284-9406 DSC_1241.JPG FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Importance of Waters and Wetlands Documented in New EPA Report Scientists from sportsmens organizations favorably review report that will guide development ofa new rule clarifying the Clean Water Acts role in safeguarding waters of the United States WASHINGTON A recently released report by

Mabel Creek Coastal Cutthroat Project

Mabel Creek is in the Upper Youngs River, above 90-foot-tall Young River Falls, so the native coastal cutthroat trout populations above the falls persist largely undisturbed by decades of hatchery production focused on targeted anadromous fisheries downstream in Youngs Bay near Astoria. While located on private timber land, the Upper Youngs River area is open

TU commends passage of spending bill

Published in Uncategorized

March 23, 2018 For immediate release Contact Shauna Stephenson / Trout Unlimited (307) 757-7861, Trout Unlimited commends passage of spending bill Bill will fund important conservation priorities across the country WASHINGTON D.C. – A spending bill that will fund important conservation priorities such as the Land and Water Conservation Fund, funding for restoration of

Is your stream at risk?

Published in Uncategorized

Go to the map Trout Unlimited released an interactive map today that illustrates the importance of intermittent and ephemeral streams – the small tributaries and headwaters that sometimes run dry throughout the year. The map is aimed at helping citizens understand the risk of repealing the 2015 Clean Water Rule which clarified protections for intermittent

TU statement on Clean Water Rule

Published in Uncategorized

Today President Trump signed an executive order that will being the process of unraveling the Clean Water Rule. The rule provides important protections for all who fish or simply enjoy clean water, protecting nearly 60 percent of the stream miles in the U.S. and ensuring the drinking water for nearly one in three Americans. Trout

TU garners $2.9 million for restoration work in Virginia

April 28, 2021 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Seth Coffman, Trout Unlimited Shenandoah Headwaters Program, Mark Taylor, Trout Unlimited eastern communications director, ARLINGTON, Va. — Virginia’s water resources will get a boost from nearly $3 million that will help Trout Unlimited launch a partnership project to address aquatic habitat, and water quality concerns in

Voices from the River: Pandora

Published in Voices from the river

By Chris Hunt We had a moment this week, my youngest brother and I. As we struggled through the instructions that came with the Sam’s Club charcoal grill we’d hustled to the store to acquire while three juicy ribeyes sat stoically on the kitchen counter, we connected through music and memory. We have one thing

Daughters of Trout Unlimited: Maggie Heumann

Published in TROUT Magazine

If you had told me I would have been included in a TROUT magazine feature with my daughter, as a TU employee, a year ago, I would have laughed. Seven years into marriage, I had (almost) resigned myself to not having kids, which was okay with me. Then, I got pregnant last summer (2021), followed

Workshop to be Critical Stepin Better North Coast Water Management

03/15/2005 Workshop to be Critical Step in Better North Coast Water Management SACRAMENTO – A workshop to be held Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 11:00 a.m. in the Joe Serna, Jr. (Cal EPA) Building (1001 I Street) Sierra Hearing Room will mark a significant step toward consistent management and wise use of northern California’s water

Looking back at a big year for PA Coldwater Habitat Program

Published in Conservation

By Jake Tomlinson The past year was a big one for Trout Unlimited’s Pennsylvania Coldwater Habitat Program, which works with a variety of partners and funding sources to protect critical habitat, reconnect degraded waterways, and restore populations of coldwater fisheries.   During the 2018 field season, TU completed more than 8,000 feet of streambank stabilization and habitat improvement, reducing by approximately 37 tons the

Conservation Groups Applaud Forest Service's Course Change on the Tongass National Forest

For Immediate Release Contact: Paula Dobbyn, Trout Unlimited Alaska, Director of Communications, 907-230-1513, pdobbyn@tu.orgGwen Dobbs, Alaska Wilderness League, Campaign Communications Coordinator, 202 544-5205, Conservation Groups Applaud Forest Service’s Course Change on the Tongass National Forest Federal Agency’s Decision to Shift Logging to Second-Growth and Emphasize Job Creation Comes as Welcome News for Southeast Alaska

“Moving Forward Act” Advances with Approval from House

Bill simultaneously creates jobs and healthier rivers and communities For immediate release 7/1/2020 Contact:  Shauna Stephenson (307) 757-7861 (July 1, 2020) WASHINGTON DC — The “Moving Forward Act,” H.R. 2, passed the U.S. House today with a vote of 233 to 188. “Clean water and healthy waterways are critical elements of the Nation’s infrastructure system,” said

June 26 Marks Trout Unlimited's National Stream Clean-Up Day

For Immediate Release: Contact:Erin Mooney, National Press Secretary 571-331-7970 June 26 Marks Trout Unlimited’s National Stream Clean-Up Day TU chapters around the country work to clean rivers and streams. Arlington, Va.America’s rivers and streams will be cleaner and healthier this weekend, thanks to the efforts of Trout Unlimited (TU) volunteers. On Saturday, June 26, TU

Trout Unlimited applauds passage of Senate Agriculture Committee's Farm Bill

Contact:Russ Schnitzer, Trout Unlimited, (307) 438-1365Steve Moyer, Trout Unlimited, (703) 284-9406 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited applauds passage of Senate Agriculture Committee’s Farm Bill WASHINGTON, D.C. Trout Unlimited commends the Senate Agriculture Committee for voting to reauthorize the Farm Bill and help keep trout and salmon resource conservation efforts in place across the nation. The

Video spotlight: Flashback to Saturday morning TV

Published in Video spotlight

Two decades ago, television was was still king of the castle when it came to fly fishing video. The film tours and the brand-sponsored “indie” films hadn’t come into vogue—the equipment needed for really remote filmmaking was still a bit bulky, and the internet hadn’t matured enough to handle the bandwidth needed to broadcast the

Conservation Groups File Suit to Save Yuba River Salmon and Steelhead

6/18/2001 Conservation Groups File Suit to Save Yuba River Salmon and Steelhead Conservation Groups File Suit to Save Yuba River Salmon and Steelhead State Water Resources Control Board leaves no option but the courts in efforts Contact: 6/18/2001 — — Monday, June 18, 2001 ALBANY, CALIF. The nations largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization today joined

No sign of slowing down: Sierra Trout Camp 2017

Published in Uncategorized

TU’s Sierra Trout Camp recently celebrated its 5th anniversary of prepping the next generation for fly fishing and conservation. By Sam Sedillo For five years now, Trout Unlimited’s Public Lands office in Truckee, California has hosted one of northern California’s premier fly fishing camps for young people—Sierra Trout Camp. This camp blends a mix of

The Salmon Superhighway

Published in Conservation, Science, steelhead, TROUT Magazine

On the north coast of Oregon, six major river systems spanning 940 square miles that drain into Tillamook and Nestucca bays provide a historic opportunity for science, collaboration between landowners, resource agencies and other stakeholders, and joint efforts of volunteers and professionals to come together to reconnect productive habitat for six species of anadromous (ocean-going)