Search results for “deerfield river”

Nature’s wonders bring thanks

Published in Voices from the river

Finding things to be thankful for this week — especially this year — can be a challenge. But if we look deep enough, we can find them.   I chose to look in nature.   The brightest green lichen on dark volcanic rocks pop against the drab fall scenery.   The sweet smell of ponderosa pines after a recent storm.  

Trout Unlimited Buys Renewable Energy to Power Columbia Basin Field Offices

1/14/2003 Trout Unlimited Buys Renewable Energy to Power Columbia Basin Field Offices Trout Unlimited Buys Renewable Energy to Power Columbia Basin Field Offices Contact: Alan Moore Western Communications Coordinator Trout Unlimited (503) 827.5700 1/14/2003 — Portland, Oregon — Trout Unlimited, the nation’s largest trout and salmon conservation organization, today launched its “Salmon Generation” green power

Butte Creek Mill Partnership Secures Permanent Water Protections

For Immediate Release Contact: Chrysten Rivard,, (541) 973-4431 Jay (Howard) O’Neil,, (785) 410‐2303 Bob Russell,, (503) 880‐2147 Sharing the Water: Partnership Secures Permanent Water Protections to Benefit Native Fish and Keep a Historic Mill Operating in Oregon’s Rogue River Basin Eagle Point, Oregon – A long-term collaboration between the Butte Creek Mill

TU staffers celebrate Public Lands Month

Published in Responsible Recreation, Featured

To celebrate Public Lands Month, many TU staffers took to their local public lands and waters to participate in #ResponsibleRecreation. Staying close to home while still getting out to enjoy the outdoors has been imperative for many during the pandemic. Here are some of their stories: Exploring public land heritage along the Columbia River Tsagaglalal. 

Portland Press Herald Article: King Speech on Salmon Attacked

12/6/1999 Portland Press Herald Article: King Speech on Salmon Attacked Portland Press Herald Article: King Speech on Salmon Attacked Contact: 12/6/1999 — — Charles Gauvin, president of Trout Unlimited, said King “continues to rely on voodoo science and unsubstantiated claims about the Endangered Species Act in the hope that it will save him from making

$2 Million in Whirling Disease Research Signed Into Law

10/13/2000 $2 Million in Whirling Disease Research Signed Into Law $2 Million in Whirling Disease Research Signed Into Law TU Praises Montana Congressional Delegation Contact: 10/13/2000 — — Contact: Steve Moyer, Vice President for Conservation Programs, Trout Unlimited, (703) 284-9406 October 13, 2000. Arlington, VA . . . Two million dollars in crucial whirling disease

Trout Unlimited Applauds U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Decision to Review Mountaintop Removal Mining’s Impact on Rivers and Streams

03/25/2009 Trout Unlimited Applauds U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys Decision to Review Mountaintop Removal Minings Impact on Rivers and Streams March 25, 2009 Contact: Elizabeth Maclin (202) 431-2676 Erin Mooney (571) 331-7970 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited Applauds U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys Decision to Review Mountaintop Removal Minings Impact on Rivers and Streams ARLINGTON, VA—Trout Unlimited

Important Tributary to be Reconnected to the Yellowstone

2/13/2004 Important Tributary to be Reconnected to the Yellowstone Important Tributary to be Reconnected to the Yellowstone Contact: Laura Ziemer Director, Montana Water Project Trout Unlimited Western Water Project 406.522.7291 x. 100 2/13/2004 — Bozeman, Mont. — A project that will reconnect an important tributary to the Yellowstone River has received funding from the National

Trout Unlimited Receives Prestigious Conservation Award

3/30/2006 Trout Unlimited Receives Prestigious Conservation Award March 30, 2006 Contact: Laura Hewitt, TU Watershed Programs Director, 608-250-3534 Trout Unlimited Receives Prestigious Conservation Award WASHINGTON, DC – Trout Unlimited, North Americas largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization, has received the 2006 Thomas F. Waters Stewardship Award in recognition of its work to restore the rivers and

Climate news: Striped bass taking bite out of Atlantic salmon

Published in Conservation

By John Braico Over the past 20 years I’ve been fishing for Atlantic salmon in Canada, at times enjoying spectacular angling in a northern wilderness setting.   Only once did I fish the Maritimes, specifically the storied Miramichi of New Brunswick. I was awed by a log-sized salmon just a tad smaller than the record

Trout Unlimited praises new Natural Resouces Investment Center

Trout Unlimited Statement Dec. 15, 2015 Contact: Scott Yates, director, TU Western Water and Habitat program,, (307) 349-0753 Randy Scholfield, TU director of Communications, Southwest region,, 720-375-3961 Trout Unlimited praises new Natural Resources Investment Center (Washington, D.C.) — Interior Department Secretary Sally Jewell unveiled today, at the White House Roundtable for Water Innovation,

TU praises BLM for protecting Thompson Divide

July 29, 2016 For Immediate Release Contact: Tyler Baskfield,, 720 530-9896 TU praises BLM for protecting Thompson Divide Cancellation of oil and gas leases a victory for sportsmen and CO wildlife (Carbondale, CO)Trout Unlimited today praised a Bureau of Land Management decision to cancel 25 oil and gas leases in the Thompson Divide, a

Trout Unlimited launches new film, video channel for California Streamflow program

tu-logo-xl.jpg FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mary Ann King, Stewardship Manager, California Water Project, 510-507-0097 20 September 2016 Trout Unlimited releases new film on steelhead restoration in Pescadero Creek, California Also launches new channel for California Streamflow video series Trout Unlimited (TU) today released the latest film in a series of short video documentaries about

30 Great Places: Seedskadee

Published in Uncategorized

Region: Rocky MountainsActivities: Hunting and FishingSpecies: Brown, rainbow and cutthroat trout; ducks; deer; pronghorn Where: The Seedskadee rests near the southwest corner of Wyoming, in the w estern shadow of the Wind River Range, and northwest of the town of Rock Springs. Most of the refuge protects riparian, wetland and upland shrub habitat adjoining 36

Have a Bristol Bay salmon dinner … with a mission

Published in Uncategorized

By: Jenny Weis Eating delicious, wild, Bristol Bay salmon in your home just got easier thanks to TU Gold-level business member, Pride of Bristol Bay. (Click to order!*) Let me tell you why I’m so excited about this. Fishing Bristol Bay is amazing in its own right. The trout are enormous, the landscape is remote

Recovering Idaho’s native cutts and wild salmon and steelhead

Published in Conservation

Craig Harker and Matt Woodard on the Henrys Fork By Chris Wood Craig Harker and Matt Woodard, two native sons of eastern Idaho, sat in the front. The road hummed as we sped toward Ashton to get me a fishing license before we hit the Henry’s Fork. “I remember it like yesterday,” Craig said. “After

Sportsmen cheer reintroduction of Northwest California Wilderness, Recreation, and Working Forests Act

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Sam Davidson, 831-235-2542 Rep. Jared Huffman and Sen. Kamala Harris champion legislation that will better protect and restore habitat and water quality in steelhead and salmon strongholds (April 10, 2019) HEALDSBURG, Calif—Trout Unlimited (TU) today praised the reintroduction of legislation from California Senator Kamala Harris and Representative Jared Huffman (an