Search results for “bear river watershed”

Clinton County Mine Stabilization Project Completed

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Amy Wolfe (570)-748-4901 Clinton County Mine Stabilization Project Completed Project will prevent future abandoned mine blowout Lock Haven, Pa.Trout Unlimited (TU) and the Kettle Creek Watershed Association completed a mine pool stabilization project on an abandoned deep mine in western Clinton County, preventing a mine blowout that could have released millions

Legislation for Cleaning Up Abandoned Coal Mines

Take Action Critical restoration funding and partnerships Across the country, streams and rivers by the thousands have been left for dead by abandoned coal mine pollution. Cleaning them up is a big job requiring critical restoration funding and partnerships. Cleanup Estimates 14.4 Million Estimated number of hazardous abandoned mine land sites. $11.4 Billion Estimated cost to clean up abandoned coal mines. The official estimate does not

New books by Trout Unlimited scientists

Published in Science, Community, Conservation, TROUT Magazine
The cover of Trout and Char of the World.

Trout Unlimited staffers consistently contribute important articles to a number of scientific papers and journals. We are also proud to share two books recently published by the American Fisheries Society. “Trout and Char of the World” is the first comprehensive look at trout and char taxonomy, life history, conservation status, and management across the globe.

Voices from the River: Five questions for Tess

Published in Voices from the river

If you’ve spent much time fishing in Montana, you’re probably familiar with Rock Creek just outside of Missoula. While it’s importance to fly anglers has been long known, it’s key role in trout recruitment for the Clark Fork River is starting to come to light. With that in mind, Trout Unlimited brought in Tess Scanlon,

Voices from the River: Jim Rogers, Elk River protector

Published in Voices from the river

By Kyle Smith Jim Rogers first came to Elk River over 50 years ago as a forester and was tasked with logging off the watershed for its heralded Port Orford Cedar. Following a short time in the Elk basin, it quickly became clear to Jim that the river was special and that his true purpose

Trout Unlimited releases full 10 Special Places report

special.jpg Dec. 18, 2014 Contact: Katy Dunlap, Eastern Water Project Director, 607-703-0256, Mark Taylor, Eastern Communications Director, 540-353-3556, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Trout Unlimited releases full 10 Special Places report Report focuses on protecting iconic public fishing and hunting areas from impacts of shale gas development WASHINGTON, D.C.Trout Unlimited today released a new report

Trout Unlimited to Host One-Fly Fishing Tournament on the Musconectcong River

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Brian Cowden (201) 230-3383 Trout Unlimited to Host One-Fly Fishing Tournament on the Musconectcong River Proceeds will fund TU’s restoration work on the river. Port Murray, N.J. – Trout Unlimited’s New Jersey Council will host the first annual One-Fly Fishing Tournament on the Musconetcong River on Saturday, October 9. The one-day

Pioneer Valley

Located in western Massachusetts covering the counties of Hampshire and Hamden. Local rivers and steams are in the lower Connecticut River Watershed, including the Westfield, Swift, and Ware Rivers.

Trout Unlimited expands Tree Army to more Michigan watersheds

Published in Community

Trout Unlimited’s Rogue River Tree Army planted 17,067 trees along rivers and streams throughout the Rogue River watershed over the last two years. Its “soldiers” are just getting started. The Tree Army, which is funded by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative through the U.S. Forest Service, is made up of TU staff, seasonal work crews and volunteers. This year, the Rogue River Tree Army

Big Win for Salmon and Steelhead on California's North Coast

March 11, 2014 Contact: Brian Johnson, California Director (510) 528-4772 Sam Davidson, Communications Director, Trout Unlimited California/Nevada (831) 235-2542 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Big Win for Salmon and Steelhead on Californias North Coast Trout Unlimited Applauds National Monument Designation for Point Arena-Stornetta Public Lands BERKELEY, Calif.Todays designation of the Point Arena-Stornetta complex of public lands as

Volunteer Leaders, Scientists, Advocates and Partners Honored at Trout Unlimited National Gathering in Spokane

Contacts:  Spokane, WA—At CX3, Trout Unlimited’s annual national gathering held September 27 – October 1, a cast of remarkable leaders and volunteers were honored for their contributions to protecting and restoring the nation’s coldwater resources and salmon and trout populations. This year, the Ray Mortensen Award, the organization’s highest honor, was awarded to Fran Smith

TU’s science programs in Great Lakes keep growing

Published in Science, Community, Featured

By Jake Lemon  Trout Unlimited’s team in the Great Lakes region continues to expand on its ambitious science-related initiatives, which are critical in informing protection and restoration projects in the region.  TU continues to support our chapters and partners in enhancing their water monitoring activities with the Mayfly sensor station, a low-cost real-time stream monitoring technology. Developed by Stroud Water

NE Oregon program

The Blue Mountain and Idaho Batholith Ecoregions in NE Oregon and SW Washington provides habitat for numerous threatened and endangered trout and salmon. Trout Unlimited (TU) focuses our work on four of its most critical river basins – the John Day, Umatilla, Grande Ronde, and Clearwater. Each of these watersheds is a stronghold for resident

Watershed Multi-species Assessment

Trout Unlimited works with our conservation partners to identify areas where protection and restoration can benefit not only trout and salmon, but also other fish, aquatic species and human communities. TU scientists were instrumental in developing the Native Fish Conservation Area concept, where watershed management is focused on the long-term persistence of native fish communities