Search results for “alaska”

The beauty of close

Published in TROUT Magazine

Sheer granite cliffs rose out of Lost Lake where I pulled my first small brook trout out of the water, an elk hair caddis in its mouth. Scarlet Indian paintbrush, yellow glacier lilies and purple elephant head padded the banks of the next lake like a cheery grandmother’s doormat. White and blue columbines clung to

Trout Unlimited Media

Trout Unlimited experts Searching for a subject-matter expert? We can help.   From fisheries biologists and water policy experts to restoration specialists and lawyers, Trout Unlimited has a staff of 300+ working nationally and in their communities to protect and restore healthy waters and healthy fisheries.    Policy Fisheries Fishing TU media contacts  Storylines After the world’s

Voices from the River: Pike at the end of the rainbow

Published in Voices from the river

By Eric Booton Confidence overwhelmed me as I rode in the bow of the canoe. My cousin and I, paddling in tandem, raced toward the “pike of gold” at the end of the rainbow that Alaska’s midnight sun had put on display for us. The rainbow was particularly noteworthy, in fact. Powerful enough to captivate

Voices from the River: Dollies save the day

Published in Voices from the river

By Eric Booton I’m not a mechanic. In fact I’m pretty much the exact opposite. So when the check engine light on our beloved camper van named Ivy popped on and the performance of the engine took a turn for the worse, I wasn’t thrilled. As the vehicle that gets me to the river, launches

Voices from the River: River thoughts

Published in Voices from the river

By Eric Booton Where does the river take you? Well, the obvious answer is downstream. But on the river, I find myself in a better place. I started at a rocky headwaters with a head full of doubt and little sense of direction. The river swept me downstream to a more pleasant place that I

Stream protection effort in PA, featured in new film, gains traction

Published in Uncategorized

By Rob Shane Pennsylvania boasts more than 86,000 miles of rivers, streams and creeks, second in the United States only to Alaska. That’s three-and-a-half trips around the earth. Thirty trips from Los Angeles to New York. It’s five times more than the 10 largest rivers in America—combined. These 86,000 miles provide clean drinking water to

TU statement on new surface waters classification for North Fork Smith River

For Immediate Release December 11, 2017 Contact: Dean Finnerty, (541) 214-0642, Wild Steelheaders United, Trout Unlimited applaud new classification of surface waters for North Fork Smith River New rules enhance water quality protections for the headwaters of one of the best wild steelhead and salmon fisheries on the West Coast COTTAGE GROVE, OreOn Thursday,

Voices from the River: The pink mouse

Published in Voices from the river

By Eric Booton There is a general rule of thumb that many of us live by: the bigger the challenge to access the fishing hole, the better the fishing is likely to be. With that in mind, a 30-minute flight on an Alaskan “bush” plane, plus a 45 minute drive in a beater truck on

Conservation through a commercial fisherman’s eyes

Published in Conservation, Community, TU Business

One of the things I’ve learned about conservation is that it’s important to see the world through another person’s eyes. Naturally, it’s easier if the two of you see the world in similar ways. In the past, sport anglers and commercial fishermen in Alaska haven’t always been on the same page. But our friends at

ACE Act a big win for fish habitat

Published in Conservation, Featured
A brook trout hooked by a fly.

This week, anglers across the nation are celebrating the passage of a sprawling conservation bill, the American Conservation Enhancement Act (H.R. 925), or ACE Act for short. Earlier this month, the package was approved by the U.S. Senate, and on Wednesday, it passed in the House of Representatives. The ACE Act now goes on to President Trump for his signature. He is expected to sign it

That guy…

Published in Voices from the river, Fishing, Travel, TROUT Magazine

We’ve all been there. It’s summer. We’re headed somewhere fishy and the sooner we get there, the sooner we can assemble the 4-weight and hit the water. We’ve squeezed a weekend’s worth of beer and grub into the back of the SUV, and we’re ready to stand knee-deep in a trout stream and wash away

Rogue River receives high acclaim during national River Rally conference

Published in Uncategorized

By Jamie Vaughan This past week, Grand Rapids, Mich., hosted River Rally, a national conference hosted by the River Network that brings together hundreds of water champions and river enthusiasts to cultivate new partnerships and inspire the sharing of knowledge and ideas within the river and water community. NGO staff and volunteers, academics, agency and

Nation’s Largest Coldwater Conservation Organization Celebrates 50th Anniversary in 2009

1/14/2009 Nations Largest Coldwater Conservation Organization Celebrates 50th Anniversary in 2009 January 14, 2009 Contact: Erin Mooney, (703) 284-9408 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nations Largest Coldwater Conservation Organization Celebrates 50th Anniversary in 2009 Trout Unlimited celebrates 50 years of protecting Americas rivers and streams ARLINGTON, VA Throughout 2009, Trout Unlimited will celebrate its 50th anniversary as

Trout Unlimited: On the Rise TV Show Guest Lands Probable World-Record Trout

Trout Unlimited: On the Rise TV Show Guest Lands Probable World-Record Trout New Berlin, Wis. May 10, 2010 Its a fish story about the one that didnt get away, and you can see it this week on Trout Unlimited: On the Rise, airing exclusively on Sportsman Channel. During filming of the episode earlier this year