Search results for “bear river watershed”

With roadblocks comes opportunity in Arizona

Published in Conservation, Advocacy, From the field, Restoration

With massive projects like the proposed forest and watershed restoration efforts in Arizona come massive roadblocks. But roadblocks won’t deter Arizona Trout Unlimited from accomplishing its critical goals of forest and, therefore, watershed restoration. If you’ll recall in our first blog post in this series, AZTU has been at the table urging forest restoration initiatives through the Four Forest Restoration Initiative (4FRI) to enhance watershed health

Abandoned Mine Reclamation

Abandoned mines are a problem – a big problem. Today, there are some 500,000 abandoned mines across America. Many of these chronically leak heavy metals and other toxic residues into streams and groundwater. In the western U.S., 33,000 abandoned mine sites have degraded the environment, including popular trout streams such as the Animas River in

Giving away the Tongass: A very bad idea

Published in Uncategorized

By: Alaska Program Staff Anyone who understands the value of public lands to hunters, anglers and other outdoor recreationists, and the fundamental role public lands play in many of our lives has cause for concern. Today we’re writing to highlight just one of the threats to our public lands. ​ Introducing the State National Forest

Leaked documents a glimpse at plan for monuments

Published in Uncategorized

Stand up for National Monuments Leaked documents provide a glimpse into Interior plan for monumentsSportsmen and women say it’s past time for transparency in this process In a set of documents leaked to the media, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke outlined an uncertain future for this country’s national monuments. The story, which broke late

New Streamflow Improvement Plan helps coho in key Russian River tributary

Published in Science, Conservation

Coho salmon are native to California coastal streams north of Monterey Bay, but populations of “silvers” in this region have been declining for decades and the species is now listed as Endangered in the Golden State. Trout Unlimited is heavily invested in cooperative efforts to recover California coho. One product of this work is development


The CCF Board meets with Trout Unlimited’s conservation leaders once a year, where the staff make proposals for project support, and the Board decides how to distribute that year’s fund. The following are featured Coldwater Conservation Fund projects. Download CCF impact reports at the bottom of this page. Wild Trout Designations, Pennsylvania CCF grants in

Students make a difference in Michigan with Great Lakes Restoration Initiative

Published in Uncategorized

By Jamie Vaughan Rockford, MI: East Rockford Middle School 6th graders have been working with Trout Unlimited’s Rogue River Home Rivers Initiative (TU) and the Lower Grand River Organization of Watersheds (LGROW) to promote watershed health in Rockford with on-the-ground restoration practices and community education initiatives through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI). Students spent

Funding for Delaware Basin a promising start

Published in Uncategorized

A section of the Musconetcong River in New Jersey restored by TU. (TU/Brian Cowden) By David Kinney For the first time, Congress is setting aside dedicated funds for conservation efforts in the Delaware River Basin. Consider the $5 million appropriation included in the new budget agreement a down payment for the Delaware River Basin Restoration

Conservation Areas

Conservation should be a true partnership between landowners, agencies, municipalities, and all stakeholders. We protect critical habitat, reconnect degraded waterways, and restore populations to coldwater fisheries. We use sound science to inform our priorities, using critical data on the health of these fisheries to guide our conservation efforts. Fisheries management Our ‘whole watershed’ vision of

The Michigan Arctic grayling

Published in Conservation, Fishing, TROUT Magazine, Video spotlight

Grayling are a tough fish to reintroduce to former habitat. For a long time, it was assumed that once the sailfish of the north winked out of a certain watershed, they were gone for good. Over the last 20 years, though, grayling reintroduction in Montana has shown promise. And, in just the last five years,

Trout Unlimited Receives Prestigious American Fisheries Society Award for Work in PA

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Erin Mooney, National Press Secretary: (571) Trout Unlimited Receives Prestigious American Fisheries Society AwardEastern Abandoned Mine Program receives distinction for work in Pennsylvania Arlington, Va. Trout Unlimited’s Eastern Abandoned Mine Program (EAMP) was recently honored with one of the American Fisheries Society’s (AFS) highest awards, the Presidents Fishery Conservation Award.