Search results for “alaska”

Thompson's Salmon Recovery Bill Passes House

6/13/2001 Thompson’s Salmon Recovery Bill Passes House Thompson’s Salmon Recovery Bill Passes House Habitat Restoration Legislation Seeks to Reverse Species Decline on Pacific Coast Contact: 6/13/2001 — — June 13, 2001 Washington, DC – A key salmon recovery funding measure, HR 1157, sponsored by Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA), passed the House today. The Northern Californian’s

Sportsmens bill advances in Senate – S.1514, the Hunting Heritage and Environmental Legacy Preservation for Wildlife Act.

Published in Uncategorized

On July 26th, 2017, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee advanced S.1514, the Hunting Heritage and Environmental Legacy Preservation for Wildlife Act (HELP Wildlife Act). Trout Unlimited supports this bill, which reauthorizes a number of useful conservation programs until 2023. The reauthorized programs that Trout Unlimited is particularly supportive of include: North Americans Wetlands

TU bids Chief Tidwell a fond farewell

Published in Conservation

Tom Tidwell is retiring as Chief of the US Forest Service. It is difficult to overstate the importance of the 191 million acres that the Forest Service manages to trout and salmon. Half of the blue-ribbon trout streams in the country flow across national forests. A vast majority of western native trout and salmon depend

Voices from the River: Mourning summer

Published in Voices from the river

By Chris Hunt As Phoebe danced around the truck, anxious to start the walk up the familiar trail past a few bends in the creek, I donned my wading sandals for what would almost certainly be the last time this year. I was in a gloomy mood. Changing seasons, earlier sunsets and, of course, the

Kinross Gold Named Corporate Conservation Award Winner

October 10, 2019 Contact: Brett Prettyman, 801-209-5320, Kinross Gold Named Corporate Conservation Award Winner ELKO, Nevada — Kinross Gold Corp., an important partner of Trout Unlimited in Nevada, was recognized recently by the conservation organization at its annual meeting. J. Paul Rollinson, president and CEO of Kinross, was on hand in Rogers, Arkansas, last

A Game of Taboo: mining edition

Published in Conservation, TROUT Magazine

You may be familiar with the game Taboo. If not, here’s a primer: players take turns drawing cards and trying to get their teammates to say the word on the card by describing what it is without saying that word or a few keywords related to it. I want to share some information about the

Mourning summer before it’s over

Published in Featured, Voices from the river
An angler fishes a small, mountain stream in Idaho.

I was in a gloomy mood. Changing seasons, earlier sunsets and, of course, the inevitable prediction of that first high-country dusting of snow had me in a funk. Couple this with the constant challenges life throws in for seasoning, and it’s a recipe for the blues

TU applauds Idaho Sportsmen?s Caucus for position on roadless area protection

1/31/2006 TU applauds Idaho Sportsmen?s Caucus for position on roadless area protection January 31, 2006 Contact: Todd Carter, Idaho Trout Unlimited (208) 237-1299 Bob Minter, Ada County Fish and Game League (208) 287-4901 Stan Riddle, Deer Hunters of Idaho, (208) 939-1878 Chris Hunt, Trout Unlimited (208) 552-0891, ext. 714 TU applauds Idaho Sportsmens Caucus for

TU awarded USFS-BLM Conservation Leadership Award

Contact:Chris Wood, President and CEO, (703) 284-9403, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: TU awarded USFS-BLM Conservation Leadership Award Washington D.C. Trout Unlimited joined some elite company Wednesday night when it was awarded the prestigious U.S. Forest Service-Bureau of Land Management Conservation Leadership Award at an event in the nation’s capitol. According to the USFS and the

Walking the Talk

Published in Conservation

Photo by Robin Kadet Petey jumped in my lap within moments of sitting down. Phil Monahan rescued the little dog when he found him walking alone down a highway. A few things stand out about the Orvis offices in Manchester, Vermont. First, as Petey demonstrated, their offices are very pet-friendly.Second, their street address is “Conservation

Pebble’s permit application accepted by Army Corps

Published in Uncategorized

Photo by Tim Romano Step 1: Take a deep breath. Really. Have you done it? Ok good. Now keep reading. On Friday, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers accepted Pebble’s application for permits to mine in Bristol Bay. Step 2: repeat step one. The fact that the Pebble mine proposal even got this far is

Thomas Rhett × Chaco

At Trout Unlimited, we make rivers fit for adventure. Inspired by our trips on the water with the ones we love, we roll up our sleeves in our local communities to fix rivers. We bring people together to care for and recover our streams so our children can experience the fun of cold, clean water

Quest for Kittatinny trout

Published in Uncategorized

By Rob Shane As an angler, discovering a new stream with healthy populations of wild trout is a reward that does not come without hours of exploration and research. Truth be told, this exploration can be quite difficult with a rod and reel. Thanks to the Kittatinny Ridge Coalition, Audubon Pennsylvania, and a few electro-shocking

Voices from the River: Lessons from ‘Curtis Creek’

Published in Voices from the river

By Eric Booton Learning to fly fish is always a mild struggle-fest. I personally endured the process with choice words, and extended periods of time with my rod catching more dust than fish. In the past few years I’ve watched friends and family go through a similar love and hate relationship with their fly rod,

Voices from the River: Fifteen minutes

Published in Voices from the river

By Eric Booton I start by asking the kids “what kind of rod is this?” While holding up a basic Shakespeare 8-weight combo rod on display for them to analyze. The answers vary, some are wrong, some are accurate, and some are obscure. The best answer remains “it’s an old timey rod!” I am self-taught

Voices from the River: The familiarity of the Kenai

Published in Voices from the river

By Jenny Weis The familiar routine of hooking up the boat to the hitch took only a couple minutes. By the time I was done, my friend Sam had met me at Eric’s house and I was pleased, but not surprised, to see him holding a box of donuts. We had a couple-hour drive ahead