Search results for “deerfield river”

Delaware River Basin Commission bans fracking in watershed

Published in Uncategorized, Advocacy

As infrastructure to support natural gas extraction expanded across the Appalachians over the past decade, the Delaware River Basin remained untouched as the group responsible for the coordinated management of the watershed considered the practice.  Now, after years of uncertainty, a vote by the Delaware River Basin Commission has formalized a ban on high-volume hydraulic fracturing — often called “fracking” — in the basin.  In a special business meeting on Feb. 25, 2021, commissioners

River safety, rowing tips and fishing from a boat

Published in Boats

Earlier this week I bumbled on about river ettiquette and how not to be a jerk on the river. Since this little editorial space is so new we might as well get some housekeeping out of the way and talk about one of the most import aspects when on the water besides etiquette. How to fish from a boat while being safe.

Snake River named ‘most endangered’ by American Rivers

Published in Conservation, Featured

Photo by Eric Crawford. TU has worked for years to restore salmon and steelhead, and a dam-removal proposal is in the works American Rivers today named the Snake River America’s No. 1 Most Endangered River of 2021, pointing to perilously low returns of Snake River salmon and steelhead, and the urgent need for lawmakers and

A simple tarp should be a priority for any river trip

Published in Uncategorized, Boats

It’s no secret spring weather in Montana can throw anything your way. One day can be 60 degrees and sunny only to be followed up by a couple of days of heavy and consistent rain. Throw in a morning with a couple inches of new snow on top of that and you’ve got yourself an official spring river trip in Montana

TU buying water right on Rogue River tributary

Published in Western Water and Habitat Program

An historic mill, and its former owner, are playing a key role in a collaborative effort to save native fish in an important Rogue River tributary. This campaign reached a milestone recently with a formal agreement to sell the mill’s historic water right to Trout Unlimited, with two years to raise the funding.

Collaboration eases conflict in the Upper Colorado River drainage

Published in From the field, Featured

Editor’s note: Water in the West is at a defining moment with severe drought and climate change upending decades of management practices and creating the need to find common ground so all users can benefit. Read or listen to learn more about how conflict can lead to collaboration in the second installment of our Western Water 101

North Umpqua fire changes complexion of an iconic river

Published in Living with Fire

We stopped first at Swiftwater Park.  My brother, Greg, and I always start there when we fish the North Umpqua searching for summer steelhead.  It’s not much of a park, really. Just some parking next to the river, along with his and her’s vault toilets.   The river is the attraction. This is the final upstream spot before reaching the North’s famous fly-only water. We

Five hundred miles of river memories in three states

Published in American Places, Featured

“The elders told us there is no point in building a visitors center if we don’t restore the land,” said Brad Parry, a tribal member leading up conservation work on the neglected landscape. “They told us they want this land back to the way it was when the massacre happened. For those who died to have a peace we need to restore the land to as natural as possible.”

Clackamas River TU Steps Up for Their Home Waters

Published in Conservation, From the field

TU volunteers greatly expand their restoration work through new collaboration with state and federal partners Last summer, the Clackamas River TU chapter partnered with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) and the US Forest Service to have a powerful, twin-engine helicopter place nearly 400 huge logs into Berry and Cub Creeks, two important

Lower Snake River Dam Bypass Economic Impact Q & A

11/3/1999 Lower Snake River Dam Bypass Economic Impact Q & A Lower Snake River Dam Bypass Economic Impact Q & A Contact: 11/3/1999 — — Q. What’s the bottom line? The study conducted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Drawdown Regional Economic Workgroup (DREW) concludes that bypassing the four Lower Snake dams would create

TU Applauds DEP's Decision to Restore Natural River Flows

8/25/2000 TU Applauds DEP’s Decision to Restore Natural River Flows TU Applauds DEP’s Decision to Restore Natural River Flows Change in Hydro Operation on Housatonic River Recognized as Part of Growing Public Embrace of Healthy Rivers and Increased Quality of Life Contact: 8/25/2000 — — August 25, 2000. West Cornwall, CT… Trout Unlimited and its

Ladders Boost Fish Recovery in Idahos Big Lost River

Nov. 17, 2008 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kim Goodman Trotter, director, Idaho Water Project, (208) 552-0891 or ktrotter@tu.orgOr Bart Gamett, (208) 588-2224, or Ladders Boost Fish Recovery in Idahos Big Lost RiverIdaho Water Project clears habitat hurdle: Whitefish cant jump Idaho Falls, Idaho A rare strain of native whitefish is poised for recovery in