Search results for “coaster brook trout waters”

Local bank helps bring down dam in Montana

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By Kelley Willett A local bank is helping bring down a dam near Missoula, Montana. Through the partnership and generosity of Stockman Bank, Montana Trout Unlimited (MTU) received a $10,000 contribution to help with the dam removal on Rattlesnake Creek. The money, along with $10,000 from the local WestSlope Trout Unlimited chapter, provides early community

Angler scientists mobilize once again for PA redd surveys

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An ongoing redd survey effort in Pennsylvania drew 90 volunteers, who searched streams for spawning trout in three areas. (Chase Howard photo.) As they have for the past several years, Trout Unlimited members spread out across watersheds in Pennsylvania on a chilly day late this autumn to look for spawning trout. They didn’t carry fishing

Stand up for the Clean Water Act

CLEAN WATER AND HEALTHY FISHERIES The Waters of the U.S. Rule under the Clean Water Act protects small streams, headwaters, and wetlands that are critical to a healthy and functioning water system. But the Supreme Court sharply limited its applicability to adjacent wetlands. This ruling lacks common sense: If we pollute upstream, we put downstream

TU Teens of Gallipolis Spring Blog

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The TU Teens of Gallipolis is a middle school fishing and conservation club led by Shannon Mayes, a volunteer leader from the Mad Men Chapter of Trout Unlimited. They take seasonal camping and fishing trips and are an active part of their community in Ohio. This blog highlights some of their activities from spring 2017.

TUDARE hosts 10th annual bus tour of restoration sites

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By Duke Welter Near ly 60 people participated in a recent bus tour to visit restored streams in the heart of Southeast Minnesota’s Driftless Area. In this 10th annual tour organized by the Trout Unlimited Driftless Area Restoration Effort, participants got to walk four streams and talk with project managers, biologists, designers and contractors. Questions

TU touts effective partnerships at National Collaborative Restoration Workshop

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Large wood additions on the East Fork of the Greenbrier River in West Virginia provide important habitat for brook trout — and a fishing location for a young angler. By Gary Berti In West Virginia, partnerships are critical as Trout Unlimited works on habitat restoration programs in the Potomac and Greenbrier River watersheds. Recently, because

Americas anglers stand behind new clean water rule

May 27, 2014 Contact: Chris Wood, President and CEO, Trout Unlimited (703) 284-9403 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Americas anglers stand behind new clean water rule WASHINGTON, D.C.The nations anglers stand firmly behind a new clean water rule that will protect Americas headwater streams from unchecked development while still allowing reasonable leeway when it comes to water

High mountain streams feed the soul

Published in Voices from the river, Featured

After some much-needed good news on the cancer front, I grabbed my cowboy hat and 1-weight and headed out the door. It was time to celebrate and I intended on doing just that by mountain biking and fishing (sometimes combined) on my gorgeous public lands.   I pulled into the spot where I hiked out last week and trekked to see what this next section

TU’s shale gas volunteers featured on PBS documentary

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Over a couple of wet and chilly days in the fall of 2015, a cadre of Trout Unlimited volunteers were afield in Northcentral Pennsylvania with gear they use as part of TU’s Shale Gas Monitoring Program. A cameraman and producer followed their every move, recording their words and work for a planned documentary. Now, nearly

Wisconsin project shows it’s not always about the money

Published in Conservation, Barriers, Featured

By Chris Collier Working with the Town of Beaver and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Trout Unlimited recently helped replace a fish passage barrier on the North Branch Beaver Creek located in the middle of a state fishery area. Surveys at the site indicated fish passage and flood risk concerns associated with the existing, four-culvert

Pursuing Native Connections 

Published in TROUT Magazine

Photo by Colin Arisman By Daniel Ritz How Bristol Bay Fly Fishing & Guide Academy graduates are redefining fly-fishing travel culture in Alaska. Rounding a blind bend in the Brooks River, the nearly 900-pound brown bear surprises us as it sits haunches deep, ripping into the belly of a bright red 8-to-10 pound Sockeye salmon

We are TU: Jamie SanFilippo

Published in We are TU, Uncategorized

Jamie SanFilippo is president of her local Spring Creek Chapter in Pennsylvania. She joined TU when she brought the Trout in the Classroom program to her job at the local YMCA. Mentoring youth and new anglers is a passion for this active and avid conservationist. She also finds time to guide anglers on the fabled waters near

In Congress, welcome steps toward mining reform and abandoned mine cleanup

Heinrich and Grijalva legislation sets a course for balancing mineral production on public lands with conservation of rivers and lands Contacts:  Chris Wood, President and CEO, Trout Unlimited, Steve Moyer, Vice President of Government Affairs, Trout Unlimited,  Corey Fisher, Public Lands Policy Director, Trout Unlimited, ARLINGTON, Va.—Mining legislation introduced today by U.S.

The eggs have arrived

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Earlier this week, Utah’s Division of Wildlife Resources, along with volunteers from Trout Unlimited, delivered rainbow trout eggs to 33 Utah schools taking part in the Trout in the Classroom program. The eggs are placed in specially designed tanks where students can watch them transform into baby fish. Brett Prettyman, intermountain communications director for Trout

Video spotlight: Spawning rainbows

Published in Video spotlight

We see a lot of video footage of migrating salmon spawning in Alaska and in other places around the world, but we often forget that our inland trout and char run upstream—just like salmon—to spawn, too. The video below shows spawning rainbow trout spawning this spring in a small tributary stream on the Helena-Lewis and