Search results for “delaware river basin”

Strategic Plan 2021

AT TROUT UNLIMITED, we fix rivers and streams. We bring people together.​ We make waters and communities more resilient to the effects of climate change. We believe the most complex and seemingly insurmountable challenges can be solved when people come together and get to work.    We know this from experience.  We were founded by anglers who

Guardians of the Gila Wilderness

Published in Conservation

These men have worked on habitat restoration in countless areas around the Land of Enchantment over the course of their careers. And among their larger friend group of former colleagues – with which they continue to hunt, fish and travel to this day – their incredible campfire stories of adventure, danger and friendship continue to unite them in their respective retirements.

Cutthroats, bull trout … and social distance on Idaho’s St. Joe

Published in Travel

Named for the work of a Jesuit priest, this panhandle river is true holy water About a century ago, rumor has it that renowned author Zane Grey would pay his friends to get up before dawn and go stand in the prized steelhead runs of Oregon’s Rogue River. They wouldn’t fish, mind you, although they

Testimony of TU President Charles Gauvin to Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Fund

3/10/2004 Testimony of TU President Charles Gauvin to Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Fund Testimony of TU President Charles Gauvin to Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Fund Contact: Steve Moyer Vice President, Government Affairs Trout Unlimited 703.284.9406 3/10/2004 — Washington —