Search results for “coaster brook trout waters”

Caring for the Kenai

Published in Priority Waters

This cherished river is one of Trout Unlimited’s Priority Waters, and I’m here to tell you more about it and our work there. 

Keystone Fund helps Pennsylvania’s famous Brodhead Creek

Published in From the field

Trout Unlimited has partnered with the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership on a series of videos highlighting a few of the projects powered by this critical source of conservation funding. For more information on the Keystone Fund, you can visit:

Seneca Valley Trout Unlimited Chapter Receives Grant for Beaver Creek Restoration

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Erin Mooney: (703) 284-9408TU National Press Secretary Seneca Valley Trout Unlimited Chapter Receives Grant for Beaver Creek Restoration Arlington, Va.– Trout Unlimited, (TU) the nation’s oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization, today awarded a $2,200 Embrace-A-Stream grant to its Seneca Valley chapter in Maryland. The Embrace-A-Stream grant will help fund

Video spotlight: River Krusnica

Published in Video spotlight

Fly fishing trophy hunters are all about traveling to far-flung places to chase big fish. Heck, we just highlighted a pair of videos that focus on chasing giant browns and rainbows in New Zealand, where both species of trout are interlopers in Kiwi waters. And then there’s Patagonia, where big trout swim in rivers where

Annual Fly Fishing Film Tour goes digital March 10

Published in Community, Featured, Fishing

Tickets for the tour go on sale today The 15th annual Fly Fishing Film Tour launches in a digital platform on March 10, and, as always, Trout Unlimited will play a big role in the online event. The 2021 Fly Fishing Film Tour will be available to watch through Sunday April 4. The streaming event

Sportsmen Criticize Senate Measure Weakening Clean Water Act

Contact: Jan Goldman-Carter, NWF, (202) 797-6894, Steve Kline, TRCP, (202) 639-8727, Scott Kovarovics, IWLA, (301) 548-0150 x223, Steve Moyer, TU, (703) 284-9406, Scott Yaich, DU, (901) 758-3874, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Sportsmen Criticize Senate Measure Weakening Clean Water Act Barrasso-Heller amendment would undermine Army Corps authority to enforce Clean Water Act,

Short casts: Chum fry in Puget Sound, angler science, Upslope IPA

Published in Uncategorized

It’s a hot time to be fly fishing the river mouths and estuaries of Puget Sound. The annual run of chum salmon fry from rivers and streams down to the salt water is under way, and waiting for them at river mouths and in estuaries will be a host of predators, including sea-run cutthroat trout.

Driftless program adds first Iowa staffer

Published in Restoration

Cameron Aker joins team as Iowa engagement coordinator As the Iowa Driftless Engagement Coordinator for Trout Unlimited, Cameron Aker helps connect growers, landowners, anglers, volunteer groups, and government agencies to help restore the cold-water habitats of Iowa.   Cameron has spent the past 17 years of his career in the Ag Industry, where he worked with

House-passed bill, EPA proposal promise benefits for trout and salmon fisheries and public lands

Spending bill would make significant investments in salmon restoration, climate resiliency, and public lands; WOTUS proposal restores stream protections Contact: Steve Moyer, Vice President for Government Affairs, Trout Unlimited,; (571) 274-0593  ARLINGTON, Va.—Legislation that cleared the House of Representatives today would invest billions of dollars in salmon restoration, climate resiliency projects, and public lands

Pennsylvania protects 70 new stream sections

Published in Conservation

By Rob Shane On July 16, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) approved the upgraded designation of than 70 streams to “Wild Trout” and “Class A wild trout” status. This successful rulemaking came in response to almost 200 public comments from TU members and supporters in favor of the proposed designation. Many of the

Voices from the River: It all flows downstream

Published in Voices from the river

An angler walks along the Escalante River in southern Utah looking for native Colorado River cutthroat. Cliff Wirick photo. By Clint Wirick The red rock country of southern Utah is not often considered trout habitat for good reason. Many waters in the southern reaches of the second driest state of our country are too turbid

What’s your vote for America’s ‘national fish?’

Published in Trout Talk

The author’s choice? The smallmouth bass. USFWS photo. It’s a silly question, but it’s fun. And it’s Friday. If you were to vote for a national fish, what would it be?  The brook trout currently holds the title of most revered freshwater “state fish” with nine states—including Michigan, Pennsylvani  and New York—making it their choice.

The 117 degree Kern River melting pot

Published in Travel

Buhler was right. There was absolutely no mistaking it. The Kern River rainbow has a vibrancy in color, all of its colors, that simply isn’t present in its hatchery imposters. The back of the fish was more densely clustered with darker and more defined spots, the rose coloring along its lateral line was more clearly defined and the most telltale mark, the white edges along its fins, were clearly defined.

Southeast Wisconsin Trout Unlimited Chapter Receives Grant for Elk Creek Restoration

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Erin Mooney: (703) 284-9408TU National Press Secretary Southeast Wisconsin Trout Unlimited Chapter Receives Grant for Elk Creek Restoration Arlington, Va.– Trout Unlimited, (TU) the nation’s oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization, today awarded a $7,500 Embrace-A-Stream grant to its Southeast Wisconsin chapter. The Embrace-A-Stream grant will help fund a restoration

Cycling to the source of the Eklutna

At the end of May, a crew of spirited friends and I coasted out of Eklutna Lake campground with trimmed packs, tents and miscellaneous items strapped to our bikes, bound for the head of the glacial valley…or at least its vicinity. It was a fresh adventure for all, and for me, the opportunity to witness the East and West Forks of the Eklutna River beyond Eklutna Lake and set eyes on the glacier, where the Eklutna River begins

Why Clean Water Matters: Whitney Milhoan

Published in Uncategorized

“I grew up near Glacier National Park, and worked for years as a river guide on the Flathead River system. Guiding on the pristine waters of the Upper Middle Fork gave me a deep appreciation of the importance of protecting our headwater streams and wetlands. Out West, it’s easy to take cold, clean water for

Get TROUT magazine, our #1 member benefit

Get TROUT magazine Did you know that when you join Trout Unlimited, you get four issues of TROUT magazine? TROUT, the journal of coldwater fisheries conservation, is home to a column from John Gierach, bestselling author of the flyfishing classics Trout Bum and Sex, Death and Fly-Fishing. It’s the only place to read flyfishing legend

Voices from the River: The girl who walks in water

Published in Voices from the river

By Chris Hunt When she was 11 months old, Delaney took some of her first ungainly steps in the blond sand of Luffenholzt Beach and dipped her toes in the cold Pacific. When she was 2, she stepped barefoot into the frigid September waters of Toponce Creek, high in the Portneuf Range of southeast Idaho.