Search results for “Potomac Headwaters”

New Legislation Would Protect Taxpayers, Prevent Nation's Largest Toxic Polluter from Destroying Rivers

New Legislation Would Protect Taxpayers, Prevent Nation’s Largest Toxic Polluter from Destroying Rivers New Legislation Would Protect Taxpayers, Prevent Nation’s Largest Toxic Polluter from Destroying Rivers Bill would prevent bad actors, like those behind Rock Creek Mine proposal underneath Cabinet Mountains Wilderness, from sticking taxpayers with billions of dollars in cleanup costs Contact: Chris Wood

Hands-On, Volunteer Conservation Program Celebrates 25 Years of Rescuing Rivers

7/24/2000 Hands-On, Volunteer Conservation Program Celebrates 25 Years of Rescuing Rivers Hands-On, Volunteer Conservation Program Celebrates 25 Years of Rescuing Rivers Trout Unlimited’s 2000 Embrace-A-Stream Grants Fund 47 Stream Recovery Projects Contact: 7/24/2000 — — Washington, D.C.. Trout Unlimited, the nation’s leading coldwater conservation organization, today announced recipients of the 2000 Embrace-A-Stream (EAS) grants, distributing

Voices from the river: Eddies

Published in Voices from the river

Moments before the fateful spill, East Carson River. By Sam Davidson The defining moment of a recent road trip to fish some of the fabled streams along the east side of the Sierra came mere seconds after I snapped a photo o f TMP getting a good drift through a sweet reach of the East

TU scores victory for brook trout in Pa.’s Twomile Run

Published in Conservation, Fishing

TU stream sampling efforts recently turned up wild brook trout in Pennsylvania’s Twomile Run, a stream in the Kettle Creek watershed that had been dead for decades due to abandoned mine drainage that was addressed by passive treatment systems. By Amy Wolfe With some projects, the results are immediately tangible. Take for instance a project

Voices from the River: Heat Wave

Published in Voices from the river

Finding refuge from the heat, Stanislaus National Forest. By Sam Davidson Across the country, summer is prime time for trout fishing in the mountains . At higher elevations you typically get relief from sweltering lowland temperatures and find the kind of small water-wild fish opportunities that are, in some ways, the heart and soul of

What’s in the Omnibus?

Published in Uncategorized

By Kate Miller Nearly halfway through fiscal year 2018, Congress finally approved an appropriations bill to fund government ag encies for the remainder of the year. Last week, President Trump signed the bill into law, bringing to a close months of tense negotiations, two government shutdowns, five continuing resolutions and lots of high drama and

Lahontan cutthroat a poster child for modeling extinction risk

Published in Science, Conservation, TROUT Magazine

Researchers work to gather data on Lahontan cutthroat trout. Jason Barnes/Trout Unlimited Determining the conservation needs of at-risk wildlife species is complicated business. Federal and state wildlife agencies—and their partners — need to assess the unique characteristics of different populations to understand the conservation needs of a given species. They typically ask questions like: “Which

A milestone in native trout recovery

Published in Conservation, Science, TROUT Magazine

Paiute cutthroat are often called the rarest trout in North America. Their historic range is an 11-mile long stretch of a single creek in the eastern Sierra Nevada near the California-Nevada border. The population of this singular trout, with its unique purplish hue and markings, succumbed to a variety of factors over the past century,

Wash. Suction dredge reform passes State House, moves to Senate

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Crystal Elliot-Perez, Trout Unlimited Washington Habitat Director, or (509) 386-7768 Suction dredge reform passes State House, moves to SenateBill approved by State House would update regulations for recreational mining using motorized suction dredging in habitat for endangered species. OLYMPIA, Wash. — Last night, Washington State Representatives approved legislation aimed at improving

Sportsmen and women support lawsuit to overturn Waters of the United States rule

Amicus brief filed in federal court case brought by Southern Environmental Law Center For immediate release 7/17/2020 Contacts: Steve Moyer Vice President for Government Affairs Trout Unlimited 571-274-0593 Shauna Stephenson National Communications Director Trout Unlimited 307-757-7861 (July 17, 2020) WASHINGTON, D.C.—Representatives of thousands of sportsmen and women across the country filed a friend

TU blends online learning with the outdoors to serve young people during lockdown

Published in Youth

Trout Unlimited is serving youth and volunteers in new ways to keep them engaged in our mission to protect, conserve, and restore North America’s coldwater fisheries during the pandemic. Some of our programs have been adapted to fit virtual and at-home formats to provide safe avenues of participation. Online platforms come with unique challenges but boast some exciting prospects.  Here are examples of how we, the