Search results for “bear river watershed”

Voices from the River: The forgotten fishing trip

Published in Voices from the river, Travel

Terry Prettyman enjoys lunch while sitting by the Logan River on a beautiful fall day in Logan Canyon. Brett Prettyman/Trout Unlimited By Brett Prettyman It was a fishing trip I will never forget. My dad, on the other hand, had forgotten we caught fish by the time we got home. I won’t forget for many

Video Spotlight: The Beiarn Project

Published in Video spotlight

We talk a lot about “sustainable development” in the conservation arena. The notion that human progress need not impair or impede the natural order of our rivers is perhaps one of more attractive ideals within the growth and development fields. And, make no mistake, we have the ability to protect our watersheds while we continue

Conservation Funding: Interior and Related Trout Unlimited Letter to U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee for Interior, Environment and Related Agencies

Published in Uncategorized

170711_TU_FY18_IER_Approps_House_FNL.pdf July 11, 2017 RE: Interior, Environment, and Related: Proposed FY18 Budget Cuts. Dear Chairman Calvert, Ranking Member McCollum, and members of the Subcommittee: I am writing on behalf of Trout Unlimited (TU), regarding Fiscal Year 2018 appropriations for programs within your jurisdiction. These programs are of great interest to TU, and critical to the

Taking On Acid Rain

9/15/19999 Taking On Acid Rain Taking On Acid Rain Contact: 9/15/1999 — — WHAT IS ACID RAIN? Scientists have determined that acid rain develops when pollution, mostly from coal-fired electric power plants, enters the atmosphere and returns to the ground in the form of acid rain. Specifically, nitrogen oxides and disulfur oxide have been identified

Salmon Creek project

The Salmon Kill, locally referred to as Salmon Creek, is a picturesque stream in northwest Connecticut that flows from its headwaters of Mount Riga to the Housatonic River. The forested headwater streams of the Salmon Creek contain cold, clean water due to the undeveloped condition of the upper watershed, providing habitat for native brook trout.

TU lauds House passage of Protecting America’s Wilderness Act, notes benefits for habitat and sporting opportunities

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Contact:  Kate Miller, Director, Government Affairs, (703) 489-6411,   Sam Davidson, California Communications Director, (831) 235-2542,  TROUT UNLIMITED PRAISES HOUSE PASSAGE OF BILL TO IMPROVE CONSERVATION, FOREST HEALTH AND OUTDOOR RECREATION ACCESS IN CALIFORNIA  The Protecting America’s Wilderness Act promotes protection and restoration of public lands and waters, wildfire risk reduction, and fishing and hunting opportunities in five national forests in California  Feb. 12, 2020 WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the

Connor Parrish lands his dream job on the Gallatin

Published in Home Rivers Initiative

“From the candidate interview process to the last few weeks of getting to know Connor, I am confident that his background, experience, and passion provide the right combination to lead the charge for the TU/SIMMS Gallatin Home River Initiative,” said Diane Bristol, Senior Director, Employee and Community Engagement. “We are also looking forward to the collaboration that Connor will facilitate across the many fantastic organizations that have been working to protect and enhance the Gallatin River.”

Anglers deeply disappointed in climate change decision

Anglers deeply disappointed in decision to withdraw from Paris Climate AccordTrout and salmon highly susceptible to impacts of climate change CONTACT:Shauna Stephenson / Trout Unlimited / (307) 757-7861 (June 1, 2017) WASHINGTON D.C. The Trump Administration announced today that it would withdraw from the Paris Climate Change Accord. Chris Wood, President and CEO of

Trout Unlimited Opposes Gas Drilling in the Monongahela National Forest

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Erin Mooney 703-284-9408 Trout Unlimited Opposes Gas Drilling in the Monongahela National Forest Marcellus Shale drilling would destroy native Eastern brook trout habitat. Arlington, Va.In a unanimous vote, Trout Unlimiteds (TU) West Virginia Council voted in favor of a moratorium on natural gas leasing in the Monongahela National Forest. The vote,

TU Little River Chapter Receives $7,800 Grant for Brook Trout Genetics Study

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Erin Mooney: (703) 284-9408, TU National Press Secretary TU Little River Chapter Receives $7,800 Grant for Brook Trout Genetics Study Knoxville, Tenn. — Trout Unlimited (TU), the nation’s oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization, today awarded a $7,800 Embrace-A-Stream grant to its Little River Chapter in Knoxville, Tennessee for a

TU Ted Trueblood Chapter Receives $10,000 to reconnect Pierce Creek with the South Fork Boise River

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Erin Mooney, TU National Press Secretary, (703) 284-9408 James Piotrowski, Idaho Council Chair, (208) 332-3552 Chris Topmiller, East Yellowstone TU, (208) 587-2249 TU Ted Trueblood Chapter Receives $10,000 to reconnect Pierce Creek with the South Fork Boise River BOISETrout Unlimited, (TU) the nation’s oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization, today

TU Platte Valley Chapter Receives $10,000 to remove barrier on the East Fork Encampment River

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Erin Mooney, TU National Press Secretary, (703) 284-9408 Dave Sweet, Wyoming Council Chair, (307) 899-9959 Kani Seifert, Platte Valley TU, (307) 327-5604 TU Platte Valley Chapter Receives $10,000 to remove barrier on the East Fork Encampment River SARATOGATrout Unlimited, (TU) the nation’s oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization, today awarded

Hollenbeck and Turner Receive USFS Award in Washington D.C.

Published in Uncategorized

The Oregon Council of Trout Unlimited is proud to announce that Terry Turner and Dick Hollenbeck are the newest recipients of the Forest Service’s Rise to the Future Award. Both Turner and Hollenbeck hail from the Clackamas Chapter of Trout Unlimited (TU), where they have each served in various leadership capacities. Dick Hollenbeck also served

TU honors 2018 class of conservation award winners

Published in Uncategorized

Recognizing Trout Unlimited’s amazing chapters, volunteers and partners is one of the most important parts of our organization’s annual meeting. This year in Redding, California, two chapters, five volunteers and four partners were singled out for their contributions to Trout Unlimited efforts across the nation. TU’s national conservation awards have been a part of our


The RIVERS mobile application is a convenient way for Trout Unlimited chapters to collect data on and map disturbances on their home waters while fishing or conducting a watershed inventory. This basic information is stored online and can be queried later on your phone or desktop computer to prioritize conservation projects, including having potential projects

California public lands bills pass out of key House committee

Published in Conservation, Government Affairs, TROUT Magazine

Today, the House Natural Resources Committee passed three bills that would better conserve habitat and sporting opportunities in some of California’s most productive coldwater fisheries and upland hunting zones. Trout Unlimited has worked for the past five years to help develop these measures and provided written testimony to the committee in support of today’s markup.

TU touts effective partnerships at National Collaborative Restoration Workshop

Published in Uncategorized

Large wood additions on the East Fork of the Greenbrier River in West Virginia provide important habitat for brook trout — and a fishing location for a young angler. By Gary Berti In West Virginia, partnerships are critical as Trout Unlimited works on habitat restoration programs in the Potomac and Greenbrier River watersheds. Recently, because